Twilight Saga или Сумерки



Планета Земля
Девчонки! Новость слышали??? Новая книга выходит 5 июня "Короткая вторая жизнь Бри Теннер" о жизни новорожденного вампира, которого Виктория наняла убить Беллу.

"On June 5, the 36-year-old multimillionaire author will release "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner," a novella that takes place concurrently with the events in the third "Twilight" book, "Eclipse." Only this time, the bloody tale of revenge and romance will be told from the perspective of Bree, a "newborn" vampire recruited by antagonist Victoria (to be played by Bryce Dallas Howard in the upcoming film) to kill human heroine Bella Swan (played, of course, by Kristen Stewart). "

31 Мар 2010 5:33

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