Планета Земля
elenayork писал(а): |
The Russian verb “настучать” does not belong to the formal language. May be the verb “to squeal” is good in this sense as it just has the meaning “доносить-настучать”, but it’s for informal speech too. |
That's fantastic - exactly what I meant.
JennyAtl писал(а): |
Local people see nothing wrong with reporting bad thing. |
They also don't see anything bad about reporting everything.
We found it very interesting. I think Russian bad mentality about squealing came from 30th and Gullah. Jenny, I understand that reporting the bad things maybe not bad at all/ I don't like when people "report" everything what
they think is wrong - even when it's only their opinion and don't confront you before/just use the situation like leverage for their interests.