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textured soy protein = texturized soy protein = TSP = textured vegetable protein = texturized vegetable protein = TVP = plant protein = vegetable protein = protein crumbles
Notes: This is a healthy ground meat substitute made from defatted soy flour. It comes as dried or frozen flakes, granules, or chunks, and it has a chewy, meaty texture when it's cooked. The flavor's a bit bland, so it works best in well-seasoned dishes like chili and sloppy joes. Some brands are beef or chicken-flavored. Look for it in health food stores. Substitutes: tempeh OR firm tofu (Cut it into slabs and then freeze and thaw them to give the tofu a chewier texture. Alternatively, crumble the tofu into small pieces and bake it until it's dry.) OR seitan OR hamburger |
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А фарш соевый как кусочки сухой коры, если можно так выразится. |