Вопрос, заданный автору русско-немецкого словаря, показался мне настолько интересным, что я решила посмотреть историю появления так любимого многими напитка - растворимого кофе. Это часть статьи из интернета.
The History of Instant Coffee
by Stefanie Spencer
We all have seen and possibly used instant coffee sometime in our life, but have you ever wondered where this dark, mysterious, water soluble powder gained its popularity? Some might snub their noses at it today, but it has proved to us in the past that it is always ready when we need it most!
The earliest version of instant coffee is said to have been invented around 1771 in Britain. The first American product was developed in 1853, and an experimental version (in cake form) was field tested during the Civil War. In 1901, the first successful technique for manufacturing a stable powdered product was invented in Japan by Sartori Kato, who used a process he had developed for making instant tea. [1]
The first time it was mass produced was in America around 1910 by George Constant Louis Washington (not related to President Washington). He accomplished a great feat and acquired a patent, but the instant coffee powder was perceived by most to be a novelty with a disagreeable taste. Around 1938, Nescafe became the most popular brand; by co-drying coffee extract along with an equal amount of soluble carbohydrate they improved the taste. Currently, the best process for retaining the taste is freeze drying, which came around in the 60's.
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