English speaking room



56 лет
Thank you for your warm welcome. I apologize that it took me a while to answer, I have been very busy (as always, though).
We had company: my husband's friend and his wife stayed with us for a few days. They live in Chicago and came here to enjoy the beaches and wonderful weather. Drinks or Beer So we were entertaining them. Taking into consideration that I have a full time job and a 12 year old son, I truly did not have time for anything else. wacko1
I am expecting this weekend to be nice and quiet and looking forward to just relaxing and not doing anything at all. girl_cool
Typically I do like to travel and we take a few day trips around Tampa Bay area where we live. But this rest is well deserved and very much needed.
Is anybody doing anything exciting this weekend?
Regardless, I hope that everybody enjoys their free time.
Take care,
Julia. girl_bye2

16 Май 2009 20:56

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