English speaking room



43 года
Hello ladies,

Wow much has been going on in here Smile I am glad that you are keeping this lovely place busy. And welcome to newbies.

NatalyS, I love your pictures. I love the way you take them, they are really artistic. And your grand daughter is such an adorable kid.

Esmira, my friend lives in NJ and keeps calling me. I hope once we are 5 months old, we will be making loads of trips Smile And you mentioned Brooklyn. It reminds me a funny story of my visit to NYC.

Being in New York, of course I couldn't resist the temptation to visit the "Soviet Union". That's what my friends told me a lot. As it really looks like you are back to 80s in there girl_haha So I was walking late from the tube station towards an uzbek restaurant. And there is a huge Ferrari full of armenian guys (can't miss the accent) started to follow me. Of course with typical: "Devushka sadites' podvezem". I was laughing. As I was in US and these guys were talking in Russian to me. I kept walking to catch up with my friends. As I was left behind busy taking pics. It started to annoy me, so I went:"I am sorry I don't speak Russian!" The guy replied:"How do you know I was speaking Russian if you don't speak the language?". This made me burst into laughter girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha
I still laugh remembering back that moment.

Momentik, so you are now in US. I bet you are not as bored as you were Wink

Keeping on a positive note.
There was a AQIQA for our daughter. It's like cristening of Muslims, we do it when the baby is 40 days old. And this coincided with my husband's 30th birthday. So I made 1 cake for celebrating 2 occasions wacko1 The result is a little confusing. But having a baby at another hand, I am glad to manage 1 cake at a time.

Here it is.

Another cake I made for husband's work. Of course I could do it only at night in between night feeds. Looks like the sleeplessness is causing some funny results. Try to guess why Wink

My husband told me that people didn't even notice it. As they are not used to see these kind of cakes except weddings. They were too busy to savor it :p

Well this will be a good fun to think of at every milestone age. And I hope this brought a little smile on your faces as well Smile Rose Rose Rose

06 Авг 2009 0:56

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