English speaking room

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25 Июл 2009 20:11

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49 лет

МаргаМои рецепты
Моментик писал(а):
there are more shootings on the street

It's too sad! I just can't imagin how it can be possible! To shoot a child! How cruel! How can that bastard live with it? Weapon (оружие???) is leagal in America, maybe that is the problem? Olga, have you got a gun? Smile or maybe you know how people are examined before getting it? To aviod such terrible things! I mean some phsykological tests. Or they are just formal?

The photos are really marvelous! You little girl looks happy! Like Alice in Waterland! girl_haha
Esmira писал(а):
my mouth is watering

Can I say "This pie makes my mouth water."? Or it sounds strange? Thank you sharik
25 Июл 2009 21:55

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NatalySМои рецепты
Марга писал(а):
The photos are really marvelous! You little girl looks happy! Like Alice in Waterland!

Thanks a lot! Romashki We thought of the same things. I mean your Waterland girl_claping girl_claping girl_claping For me this picture is associated with "Through the Looking Glass" though I failed to find a synonim to express the same idea but with the word water. Embarassed friends
27 Июл 2009 18:23

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Марга писал(а):
Can I say "This pie makes my mouth water."? Or it sounds strange? Thank you

Marina, no better say: "My mouth is watering looking at this cake".

I actually skipped cracking my oven up this weekend! Yahoo! I am strong! Wink
27 Июл 2009 23:49

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Марга писала

Weapon (оружие???) is leagal in America, maybe that is the problem? Olga, have you got a gun? Smile or maybe you know how people are examined before getting it?

Marinochra - weapons in America - it is a huge discussion. I don't know exactly how people are examined before getting them. However, I know that every legal gun on the a police record and people have to keep their guns well protected. So, it is a real doubt in my mind that somebody who has a legal weapon ever kills anybody. Usually, they keep a gun for a false feeling of safety. The homeowners have a right to shoot anybody transpassing their property. (specially in Texas wacko1 ) but this mostly a paper right, I did not hear that somebody used it in reality.
28 Июл 2009 5:04

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49 лет

МаргаМои рецепты
NatalyS Romashki
Esmira Rose
Моментик sharik
Thanks a lot!
Internet is a great thing! I still don't have enough time to find my old English dictionary. My baby takes almost all my time. And only when he sleeps I have a chance to chat here, look through the new recipies or go to the kitchen to cook something new & tasty. Today it has been raining for the whole day and he slept much. So I managed to cook several dishes... Yahoo! There are so many interesting ideas and wonderfull recipies here! I never know which one to choose...but I'm always pleased with results! Smile
28 Июл 2009 18:24

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Marina, yes, this site is simply wornderful and I love it so much! On top of all this deliciousness, I also have my own ideas so I never have problem like: "What to cook?" Yahoo!
29 Июл 2009 20:18

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dear girls, click here


You might get interested and join the discussion. give_heart sharik
29 Июл 2009 21:11

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Nataly, thank you for the invitation! I already went there and left my lovely message. Wink
30 Июл 2009 0:30

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NatalySМои рецепты
Esmira писал(а):
there and left my lovely message.

Thanks a lot!
Romashki Romashki Romashki I can't help admiring your readiness of wit and speech girl_claping girl_claping
30 Июл 2009 0:54

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EsmiraМои рецепты
NatalyS писал(а):
I can't help admiring your readiness of wit and speech

Nataly, you are more than welcome! Thank you for your kind words! If I am enjoing something, it shows and if I am not, it shows as well. I am not a good pretender. So there! Yahoo!
30 Июл 2009 9:49

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NatalySМои рецепты
Esmira писал(а):
am not a good pretender.

It's great! This is the way I see you and that's why I enjoy mixing with you. Romashki Romashki Romashki give_heart
30 Июл 2009 18:12

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Nataly, it is mutual! I am not just saying that. I do feel that you are very kind and caring person! Rose
02 Авг 2009 11:49

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46 лет
Jersey City, NJ, USA

МышунчикМои рецепты

I hope, everybody is doing OK

Esmira писал(а):
I have decided to join the town pool and enjoy it very much

Esmira, could you please give me some information about town pool you attending?? I wasn't lucky to find any of them in my town, the nearest one is in NYC. It's not so far from me, but I would like to find some "within walking distance" Smile

P.S. Girls, I'm still struggling with my English Embarassed , so it's more than welcome to correct my mistakes, thanks in advance
03 Авг 2009 19:41

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Мышунчик писал(а):
Esmira, could you please give me some information about town pool you attending?? I wasn't lucky to find any of them in my town, the nearest one is in NYC. It's not so far from me, but I would like to find some "within walking distance"

My town is far away from Jersey City. My pool is located in New Milford, NJ so I do not think you can walk there but you are more than welcome to attend if you will choose to drive. In order to join you do not have to live in New Milford but you do need to become a member. It is probably too late to join this year as they will be closed in a month but choice is yours. Rose
03 Авг 2009 22:31

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46 лет
Jersey City, NJ, USA

МышунчикМои рецепты

I was thinking that by any chance you live in Jersey City unknown (it's also 15 minutes by path from my city to NYC).
I took a look on a google map, it takes half of an hour by a car to get to your town. But I still don't have local license, so I think I'll try pool in NYC
Anyway, thank you for information Romashki
By the way, how is weather in your town?? We were poured by rain all the previous week. Only Saturday was fine and sunny and we finally spent all day out in Central Park. It's too humid for me wacko1 , only my curls benefit from this girl_haha
03 Авг 2009 23:04

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Мышунчик писал(а):
By the way, how is weather in your town?? We were poured by rain all the previous week. Only Saturday was fine and sunny and we finally spent all day out in Central Park. It's too humid for me , only my curls benefit from this

Maria, you are more than welcome!

The same here, I enjoyed my swimming session on Saturday and relaxed after under the tree reading a book. On days like Sunday, I take advatage of it and do my inside chores so I am done with everything I intended to do over the weekend. Yeah, it is raining a lot lately but I am sure God knows what he is doing. My hair is straight so no benefits from the rain other than doing my chores. Oh, yeah, free car wash as well! Wink
05 Авг 2009 22:48

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46 лет
Jersey City, NJ, USA

МышунчикМои рецепты
Hello, dear ladies

Did anybody see TV Show "In treatment"? I have almost finished watching "Friends" and was lucky to find new one. It's not as funny as "Friends", but I like it.
I was told that "Seinfeld" TV Show is also very funny, does anybody know anything about this one?
05 Авг 2009 23:52

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Hi Maria,

Sorry, I do not really watch TV that much so I did not hear about the show "in treatment". I heard of "Seinfeld" from the other hand but not following it so I am not good help when it comes to shows. It is funny, but I would say, I do not have time for the TV (lucky me!). Sometimes, when I do have time and I am in the mood I would watch "Golden Girls", "Everybody loves Raymond" or "Two and a half men", that is about it. If I am lucky, I would find some good movie among the garbage they introducing us to but I rather read, then watch the TV.
06 Авг 2009 0:56

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43 года

AyishaМои рецепты
Hello ladies,

Wow much has been going on in here Smile I am glad that you are keeping this lovely place busy. And welcome to newbies.

NatalyS, I love your pictures. I love the way you take them, they are really artistic. And your grand daughter is such an adorable kid.

Esmira, my friend lives in NJ and keeps calling me. I hope once we are 5 months old, we will be making loads of trips Smile And you mentioned Brooklyn. It reminds me a funny story of my visit to NYC.

Being in New York, of course I couldn't resist the temptation to visit the "Soviet Union". That's what my friends told me a lot. As it really looks like you are back to 80s in there girl_haha So I was walking late from the tube station towards an uzbek restaurant. And there is a huge Ferrari full of armenian guys (can't miss the accent) started to follow me. Of course with typical: "Devushka sadites' podvezem". I was laughing. As I was in US and these guys were talking in Russian to me. I kept walking to catch up with my friends. As I was left behind busy taking pics. It started to annoy me, so I went:"I am sorry I don't speak Russian!" The guy replied:"How do you know I was speaking Russian if you don't speak the language?". This made me burst into laughter girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha
I still laugh remembering back that moment.

Momentik, so you are now in US. I bet you are not as bored as you were Wink

Keeping on a positive note.
There was a AQIQA for our daughter. It's like cristening of Muslims, we do it when the baby is 40 days old. And this coincided with my husband's 30th birthday. So I made 1 cake for celebrating 2 occasions wacko1 The result is a little confusing. But having a baby at another hand, I am glad to manage 1 cake at a time.

Here it is.

Another cake I made for husband's work. Of course I could do it only at night in between night feeds. Looks like the sleeplessness is causing some funny results. Try to guess why Wink

My husband told me that people didn't even notice it. As they are not used to see these kind of cakes except weddings. They were too busy to savor it :p

Well this will be a good fun to think of at every milestone age. And I hope this brought a little smile on your faces as well Smile Rose Rose Rose
06 Авг 2009 1:16

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Ayisha, lol...you really brought smile to my face! The story is definetely funny but in reality you could easily guess the language sometimes without understanding it.

As to your cakes, both are lovely and of course you mispelled the word "Birthday" but it is not big deal. You are amazing! Well, I myself kept busy while having small children. I do not think I would handle it now as well as I did back then. So glad I am done with it and actually can sleep at night! Yahoo!
06 Авг 2009 12:27

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Milwaukee, WI [USA]

Маленькая_ДряньМои рецепты
Hey there!
Girls, i have a quick question. Sorry if i posted it in the wrong section, but it's my first time asking Eng question here.

Anyways... Can you tell what's the difference between Meringue Powder and Cream of Tartar?

I know that Meringue Powder is "закрепитель"
But i have no clue how Cream of Tartar is in Russian.

Thank you
06 Авг 2009 13:47

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30 лет

ШиншиллаМои рецепты
Learn me to English!!! I absolutely do not know it, though учюсь in the ninth class!!!
06 Авг 2009 16:19

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Milwaukee, WI [USA]

Маленькая_ДряньМои рецепты
Шиншилла писал(а):
Learn me to English!!! I absolutely do not know it, though учюсь in the ninth class!!!

Чиатай больше и сама практикуся. На ошибках учатся Wink

[ Corrected ]
"Teach me how to speak English. I don't know it absolutely, even though i'm in the ninth grade already!!!"

Good luck
06 Авг 2009 18:13

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Маленькая_Дрянь писал(а):
But i have no clue how Cream of Tartar is in Russian.

Lerik, both are the same. I guess the first one is good for meringue and the other one for general use but I am sure the meaning is the same.
06 Авг 2009 19:54

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46 лет
Jersey City, NJ, USA

МышунчикМои рецепты
Маленькая_Дрянь писал(а):
Hey there!
Girls, i have a quick question. Sorry if i posted it in the wrong section, but it's my first time asking Eng question here.

Anyways... Can you tell what's the difference between Meringue Powder and Cream of Tartar?

I know that Meringue Powder is "закрепитель"
But i have no clue how Cream of Tartar is in Russian.

Thank you

Try to post this question in "Англо-русский кулинарный словарь" theme. You find plenty of useful information there in addition to your question good
