English speaking room

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22 Дек 2007 0:24

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dinochka писал(а):
you earn great experiences in your trip!!!!

Sure. When I travel I try to use any chance to improve my English. I also enjoy speaking English. Imagine, one can enjoy speaking a foreign language the same way as listening to good music. Romashki
22 Дек 2007 22:21

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38 лет

DinochkaМои рецепты
I have another opinion. May be it is temporary. For me speaking english is very -very hard work. I'm tired of it. The main problem is recognising meaning of words. You know american prononcuation- like chewing gum.
23 Дек 2007 16:41

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dinochka, hello. Glad to see you again. I was absent for two days as my husband and I went to other city to congratulate his mother on her 81st birthday. It usually takes us four hours to get there, but this time it was only three hours. The road was not as busy as it is in summer, and we have a good car.
From your statement I've drawn a conclusion that you don't enjoy the process of learning English. It's a usual thing when such factor as motivation is ignored by teachers. My students sometimes even don't notice that they are being taught because we discuss different things that are actual for them and in these discussions we learn new words and grammar. It doesn't mean that they don't learn any rules or words at all. Nothing of the kind. They do learn a lot, but they learn all these things to use them in discussions and conversations. They don't answer questions or reproduce texts. They communicate using all they have learned. As for my handbooks, I mean those ones I wrote, they are based on authentic materials, taken from English and American magazine and newspapers I buy travelling abroad or I'm presented with, etc.
What about American English, I don't think I like it as I was taught Standard British at the university and I try not to use American though I undersatand it and like to mix with Americans. They seem kind, generous and friendly. At least those I've mixed with.
Do you feel tired now? If yes, I'm sorry. See you later. Bye. New Year Tree
23 Дек 2007 21:03

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DinochkaМои рецепты
I'm not tired right now. 2 months ago I'm cameback from the USA and I'm tired to talk with people in the USA.
Studying english in class and speak english in real life for me is two different things.
Unfortunately audition was hard for me both in class and in the USA.
23 Дек 2007 21:20

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dinochka писал(а):
Studying english in class and speak english in real life for me is two different things.

You're quite right to say it. When I was in the USA,during the first two weeks I didn't seem to have any problems speaking English wherever and whoever it could be. And I enjoyed it very much. Then I suddenly felt that I couldn't say a word. Imagine how embarrassed I felt. I asked my colleagues if everything was right with them and, to my great surprise, they felt the same. It lasted for some days, then we didn't have any problems again. You need a good teacher who could teach you through speaking and discussing different problems you might be interested in. Very Happy good By the way, was it difficult for you to read my letter? Did you feel annoyed or irritated?
23 Дек 2007 21:31

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DinochkaМои рецепты
Sure reading your letter is not difficult for me.
You said that I "need a good teacher who could teach you through speaking and discussing different problems you might be interested in"
I agree with you but I'm lazy Smile
Now english language don't need for me becuase I'm in Russia. When I'm back to USA I will go to college and study english in class.
23 Дек 2007 21:35

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты
hey there ladies!!!! how r u today?ooops i havent been here for ages, so wats new?
i love English!!!!!so im enjoying a lot when i speak in English, esp with native speakers.
23 Дек 2007 21:39

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38 лет

DinochkaМои рецепты
Hey lilidzhan!
We are discussing about ENGLISH as you see Smile Smile Smile
23 Дек 2007 21:42

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты
well, u know, although i love Engl,i cant wait to finsh university, cos im really fed up of it Very Happy holidays yahoooo!!!
23 Дек 2007 21:59

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NatalySМои рецепты
lilidzhan, sorry to say we are not native speakers. But if you don't enjoy English at all are you sure you'll feel different with native speakers? What are you fed up with - parting the university or English at the university?
23 Дек 2007 22:00

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DinochkaМои рецепты
I will finish univ. next summer 2008!!!!!!!!!

Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo!
23 Дек 2007 22:49

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dinochka, what's your future profession? good
24 Дек 2007 18:54

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DinochkaМои рецепты
scientific criticism anf literature edition

but I don't what i will do in real future
24 Дек 2007 19:28

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dinochka, it's very interesting. Are you sure that you don't need any foreign language in your job? You do need, it goes without saying.
Maybe you don't want to.... Well, it's another pair of shooes good
25 Дек 2007 14:39

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DinochkaМои рецепты

I'm sorry, i'm forgot to write verb know
it should be: but I don't know.....

I'm sure that in this job(if I will be editor) foreign languages don't need
Very Happy

Unfortunately I don't imagine where I would like to work Sad
25 Дек 2007 23:29

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
NatalyS, friends
26 Дек 2007 20:39

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NatalySМои рецепты
Hello, Tatiana. Glad to see you here. You're quite right I'm really interested in English. I'm simply mad about English. (Do you remember "Pigmalion" By Bernard Shaw? Doolittle's speech made professor Higgins astonished?) More than that it has been my profession for 37 years. I don't mean to say that I speak as perfect as native speakers, but I can speak and I teach English at the institute.
It'll be great to talk to you as far as your language seems quite good.
See you later and soon, I hope. Thanks for being considerate. Romashki New Year Hi New Year Tree
26 Дек 2007 23:43

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SplattieМои рецепты
Nataly! Rose
27 Дек 2007 0:57

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NatalySМои рецепты
Tatiana, thanks a lot for your prompt respond. I am happy to recieve your letter. It's curious enough that we seem to have the same taste in literature. " Pigmalion" is a great play. Sorry to say many people and not only young remember the film "My Fair Lady" which is certainly great, but haven't heard anything about the play. I was about 10 or even younger when I first saw the Russian version of the play. It was a TV performance if I am not mistaken. Since that time it has been my favourite one as well as the play. Thank you for reminding me. I'll buy it and reread. By the way Audry Hebburn has been my favourite actress since I saw her in the "War and Peace" in the part of Natasha Rostova. She was great in all the films she stared. There is a family tale, that when my mum was going to give birth to a baby (me) she was reading the novel "War and Peace" and Natasha Rostova was her favourite character, that's why I'm Nataly. I am not sure whether it is right, but I am proud of it. Silly, isn't it?
I've just reread what I have written and noticed to many "favourites" in the letter. You see, I have to improve my English too, at least learn some other words to express my likes or dislikes. But teaching English and using it for communication is a bit different though I teach my students through speaking. For instance, today they have passed their exam in English, and it was 4-hours discussion. We spoke about teenage problems - whether it's good to be a teen or it is a chore. a_ya_protiv ya_za
If you write me again I'll be twice as happy as I'm today. You are an interesting person and I enjoy the opportunity to speak English. Being abroad I avail myself of every chance to practice the language but sometimes I can't as there are few English speaking people in the hotels I usually stay.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Truly yours. Nataly. Merry Christmas! New Year Go New Year Tree
28 Дек 2007 22:05

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie New Year gifts
and all the girls visiting the English speaking room! Happy New Year! I wish you happy and prosperous days ahead. New Year ggg Let the New Year bring you new hopes and new opportunities to explore. New Year Hi Let your dreams come true. I wish you a happy and successful year ahead. New Year Go New Year Tree
28 Дек 2007 22:52

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SplattieМои рецепты
29 Дек 2007 14:57

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37 лет

КатриМои рецепты
Hi girls))) it is my first message here! I think it is very usefull room for us! Now I will go skating and then I'll begin to cook for New Year! I found here very nice recieps and want to try them in my kitchen! Wish me luck))
29 Дек 2007 15:13

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты
Nataly, emmm... i guess u didnt get me. i didnt say that i dont like Engl, i said i love it, n ESP to speak with native speakers. to sum up i enjoy a lot, so u just misunderstood me. im fed up of university, not English, again u misunderstood me
30 Дек 2007 17:29

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37 лет

КатриМои рецепты
Ladys! I'm sj happy-I'm in Moscow now!!!!I came yesterday and tomorrow I'll begin to start cooking..Now I'm thinking about my own very interesting reciept..If everything will be allright I'll right it here! I want to do it, for the first time!!!! good luck everyone!
02 Янв 2008 18:43

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