English speaking room

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01 Май 2013 18:32

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LenochkaМои рецепты
04 Фев 2014 1:06

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32 года

lemonywaterМои рецепты
Is anybody here?...
01 Дек 2014 20:05

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36 лет
Rain-shire, uk

MrsMeadowsМои рецепты
It's been quiet here for a while. But now it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! In the shopping centres.. so it's time to think of gifts and holiday treats! Any ideas? xx
10 Дек 2014 7:19

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39 лет

AranidМои рецепты
Hi dear girls!
I try to learn english, but i dont have a practice.
Today I found this top and I hope to get some practice with my english.
I'm sorry for my mistackes, I wish you show its for me Embarassed
Have a nice day for everybody Romashki
21 Фев 2015 8:19

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27 лет

RoxolanaМои рецепты
Aranid писал(а):
Hi dear girls!
I try to learn english, but i dont have a practice.
Today I found this top and I hope to get some practice with my english.
I'm sorry for my mistackes, I wish you show its for me Embarassed
Have a nice day for everybody Romashki

Aranid, I live in the USA and I also speak fluent Russian. I can help you by helping you fix your errors in your sentences. So the first sentence you wrote was :

"I try to learn English,but I don't have a practice."
The word "a" is usually used for a thing. Like "a bike", "a person", "a toy". But practice is not a thing . Practice is action(also known as verb) Also "I try to learn..." can be said this way:"I am trying to learn English." So you can just write your sentence this way: "I am trying to learn English, but I don't have enough practice.(tut mojna skazat enough chtobi sebya abyesnit':enough aznochayet dostatachna)

"Today I found this top and I hope to get some practice with my English."
I'm not quite sure what you meant by "top"....but you can say theme for tyema. That's the only mistake I found here..

"I'm sorry for my mistackes,I wish you show it's for me."
Mistackes is spelled incorrectly. The right spelling : mistakes. You started the second half of the sentence with an "I".That makes it a run-on sentence. A run-on sentence is a "sentence" that continue's. (I have a site that teaches russian, Embarassed ) It's means "it is". So basically you don't need to put it there. The correct sentence structure(pravelniy vit predlajeniya ) : "I'm sorry for my mistakes. I wish that you could show them to me."

And at last the last sentence "Have a nice day for everybody."
You can simply say "Have a nice day everyone", otherwise ,it sounds like you're saying "C Rojdectvom Hristovim dlya vseh."
I hope this was helpful. If you need help....you know where to go! girl_flag_of_truce Rose
Have a great day! girl_bye2
21 Фев 2015 13:51

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27 лет

RoxolanaМои рецепты
Love these flowers very beautiful! :
15 Мар 2015 5:20

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BallooningМои рецепты
Hello everybody! I really like to learn English. I understand that without constant communication is difficult to increase their level of knowledge. I hope that this topic will be able to communicate in English
12 Ноя 2016 2:17

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43 года

NaidМои рецепты
Hello everyone! Is there anybody here? I also hope to improve me English) And I would like to have regular practice)
09 Фев 2017 5:56

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Hi, everyone! I hope everyone is well. Oh, boy, it has been a while but I am back. I actually would like to invite all of you to visit my new Facebook page "Natural and Stressless living with Esmira." I am a Certified Health & Wellness Coach now! We can discuss interesting topics there. I just placed a very short video of myself on there. See you soon. girl_bye
29 Апр 2018 2:56

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27 лет

RoxolanaМои рецепты
Does anybody still need help with their English? This group has gotten really quiet resent
Есть тут кому ещё нужна помощь по Английскому языку? Это лента так претихла resent
29 Апр 2018 14:08

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51 год

Мотылек-73Мои рецепты
Ксения, здравствуйте! У меня к вам просьба, ребенок занимается английским языком, хочу чтобы он попрактиковался в разговорном , если будет желание напишите мне в личку пожалуйста.
