English speaking room
Сообщение | Автор | |
01 Май 2013 18:32
Москва |
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04 Фев 2014 1:06
32 года Питер |
Is anybody here?...
01 Дек 2014 20:05
36 лет Rain-shire, uk |
It's been quiet here for a while. But now it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! In the shopping centres.. so it's time to think of gifts and holiday treats! Any ideas? xx
10 Дек 2014 7:19
39 лет Южно-Сахалинск |
Hi dear girls!
I try to learn english, but i dont have a practice. Today I found this top and I hope to get some practice with my english. I'm sorry for my mistackes, I wish you show its for me ![]() Have a nice day for everybody ![]() |
21 Фев 2015 8:19
27 лет США |
Aranid, I live in the USA and I also speak fluent Russian. I can help you by helping you fix your errors in your sentences. So the first sentence you wrote was : "I try to learn English,but I don't have a practice." The word "a" is usually used for a thing. Like "a bike", "a person", "a toy". But practice is not a thing . Practice is action(also known as verb) Also "I try to learn..." can be said this way:"I am trying to learn English." So you can just write your sentence this way: "I am trying to learn English, but I don't have enough practice.(tut mojna skazat enough chtobi sebya abyesnit':enough aznochayet dostatachna) "Today I found this top and I hope to get some practice with my English." I'm not quite sure what you meant by "top"....but you can say theme for tyema. That's the only mistake I found here.. "I'm sorry for my mistackes,I wish you show it's for me." Mistackes is spelled incorrectly. The right spelling : mistakes. You started the second half of the sentence with an "I".That makes it a run-on sentence. A run-on sentence is a "sentence" that continue's. (I have a site that teaches russian, ![]() And at last the last sentence "Have a nice day for everybody." You can simply say "Have a nice day everyone", otherwise ,it sounds like you're saying "C Rojdectvom Hristovim dlya vseh." I hope this was helpful. If you need help....you know where to go! ![]() ![]() Have a great day! ![]() |
21 Фев 2015 13:51
27 лет США |
15 Мар 2015 5:20
Hello everybody! I really like to learn English. I understand that without constant communication is difficult to increase their level of knowledge. I hope that this topic will be able to communicate in English
12 Ноя 2016 2:17
43 года Москва-Раменское |
Hello everyone! Is there anybody here? I also hope to improve me English) And I would like to have regular practice)
09 Фев 2017 5:56
Hi, everyone! I hope everyone is well. Oh, boy, it has been a while but I am back. I actually would like to invite all of you to visit my new Facebook page "Natural and Stressless living with Esmira." I am a Certified Health & Wellness Coach now! We can discuss interesting topics there. I just placed a very short video of myself on there. See you soon.
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29 Апр 2018 2:56
27 лет США |
Does anybody still need help with their English? This group has gotten really quiet
![]() Есть тут кому ещё нужна помощь по Английскому языку? Это лента так претихла ![]() |
29 Апр 2018 14:08
51 год Курган |
Ксения, здравствуйте! У меня к вам просьба, ребенок занимается английским языком, хочу чтобы он попрактиковался в разговорном , если будет желание напишите мне в личку пожалуйста.