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21 Ноя 2012 1:39

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45 лет
украина, г.сумы

@лёнушк@Мои рецепты
Vikitak, thank you!
you'll have a daughter if you want to! and you'll find a perfect name for her. i'm sure that every baby gets HIS name. i can't imagine my daughters with other names. Varvara is VARVARA, and no other name suits better.
21 Ноя 2012 21:17

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NatalySМои рецепты
Vikitak писал(а):
i adore this name-Varvara, if i have a daughter i would like to call

Barbara in English. Rather popular by the way. good2 sharik When I studied in the USA I got acquainted with a very nice woman Bobbie by name. It's short for Barbara. We were pen pals for some time. friends
23 Ноя 2012 16:52

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45 лет
украина, г.сумы

@лёнушк@Мои рецепты
NatalyS, and what's your job?
24 Ноя 2012 0:21

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NatalySМои рецепты
@лёнушк@ писал(а):
and what's your job?

I'm a retired English teacher. First worked at school, then at the university.

Pay attention to this information. It can appear useful especially for those who like eating out.
Your Rights When Eating Out.

1. While having lunch in an expensive restaurant, I tasted the wine I had ordered. I thought it might be off, so I called the wine waiter. He was most unpleasant at the mere suggestion that something might be wrong. Unwillingly he tasted the wine – and immediately apologized and brought another bottle. ‘That’s what I call power!’ said my guest, but it helped that I knew I was legally in the right.
2. If a restaurant fails to provide a table you have booked, they will have broken their contract with you and you can politely threaten to take them to court for the cost of a spoiled evening. They’ll then usually find you a table. On the other hand, if you let them down, they can take you to court for lost business. In one case, a company booked a table for one o’clock for five people at a popular restaurant, then called to cancel at 1.35 pm on the day saying their client did not want to eat. When the company refused to pay up, the restaurant owner took them to court and won: the judge decided that, since it was too late to re-book the table, the company should pay for the loss of profit on the meal, plus legal costs. If the owner had had time to use the table, he wouldn’t have needed to take them to court.
3. The menu is a vital legal document. The price should be included, together with the tax and the restaurant can be fined up to 5000 pounds for not displaying it outside or immediately inside the door, so that customers know in advance what they are committing themselves to.
4. It is illegal for any establishment to give a false description of their food. Everything must be what it claims to be. ‘Pate of the house’ must actually be made there; fresh food salad must consist only of fresh, not tinned fruit; Welsh lamb must be an animal born or raised in Wales. But a menu doesn’t have to spell out whether ‘heart’ is that of a calf, a pig or a lamb.
5. You cannot rely on getting bread and butter free. A restaurant is allowed to make a cover charge – which relates to linen, tableware, salt and pepper, sauces and items like bread or olives – provided it appears on the menu by the door. In theory, if any part of the cover has not been satisfactory 9or you have not eaten all the olives), you need only leave what you think the acceptable items are worth. But of course most people do not bother.
6. If the food is not cooked to your satisfaction, you can insist on the restaurant taking it back and applying what you ordered. If the food is unfit to eat, you can point out that it is illegal, with a maximum fine of 20.000 pounds and/or up to six months in prison, to supply food ‘not of nature, substance or quality demanded’. If it gives you food poisoning and inconvenience provided you have been to your doctor. If the food is merely not up to a reasonable standard for the money, you can either send it back or pay less than the bill demands. If you do not pay the full price, give you name, address and proof of identity so that you cannot be arrested for leaving without paying.
22 Дек 2012 17:58

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
Merry Christmas!

24 Дек 2012 22:34

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NatalySМои рецепты
Merry Christmas! From Russia with love!

http://www.moskva.fm/artist/enya/song_024287 New Year Go New Year Hi New Year ggg New Year Snegurochka New Year Tree
30 Дек 2012 21:03

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
31 Дек 2012 17:44

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Irina F.


44 года
Leeds, UK

Irina F.Мои рецепты
Dear ladies, I wish you a Happy New Year!!!
May this year of 2013 be
A year of Health and Happiness,
A year of Wealth and Wisdom,
A year of Peace and Prosperity,
A year of Glee and Glow,
And also a year of Love and Laughter!

01 Янв 2013 0:07

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West Yorkshire, UK

elenayorkМои рецепты
Happy New Year!
18 Янв 2013 12:27

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NatalySМои рецепты
Epithany, or Twelfth Day, has always been our family holiday - my father's birthday. Nevertheless I've joined millions of people who celebrate it as a world-wide event. My best wishes to all!

26 Янв 2013 7:47

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West Yorkshire, UK

elenayorkМои рецепты
Dear girls,
I can't but want to share with you (it's about our weather). At first some words to explain the situation. Yes, we can't imagine winter in Russia without snow. In England - it's different: if we have White Christmas - it's a great joy for kids and grown-ups as it happens rarely. girl_in_dreams Last year (I mean 2012) ... it was pouring all the year round! There was no difference between the seasons - it was always and only rain! (the exception was - some days when the Olympic games were in London).
But what are we having now!? Look at the photos I have attached! It reminds me my beloved Siberia! Yahoo!


P.S. According to the weather forecast in some days the snow will start melting and it will rain again girl_cray3 It will cause flooding again. I hope we will survive flood Shocked
03 Фев 2013 16:40

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44 года

КишкоблудМои рецепты
Hey everybody! Only girls here? lol
04 Фев 2013 15:18

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NatalySМои рецепты
Кишкоблуд писал(а):
Hey everybody! Only girls here? lol

We are free of any kind of discrimintion! Nothing to say of discrimination against men! If you want to join, why not! Welcome! sharik It doesn't matter if you are tol - lol! Drinks or Beer
05 Фев 2013 22:27

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44 года

КишкоблудМои рецепты
05 Фев 2013 22:47

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NatalySМои рецепты
Is it your hobby or just some kind of bravado? unknown
06 Фев 2013 11:51

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44 года

КишкоблудМои рецепты
Its me extremely bored wacko1 and lazy to start any topic - just showing off
06 Фев 2013 20:28

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NatalySМои рецепты
Кишкоблуд писал(а):
just showing off

Looks like it unknown
12 Фев 2013 2:19

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ELENA_BAZHМои рецепты
girl_flag_of_truce Здравствуйте, дорогие мои однофорумчанки!
Прошу о помощи.
Дело в том, что мне для того, чтобы устроиться на работу очень нужен английский язык. Я хожу в вечернюю школу, но нас там 36 человек в классе, половина из которых старушки - профилактика альцгеймера. За пол - года мы прошли 50 уроков (смешных). Весь ориентир идёт на них. Двигаемся очень медленно. Я и сама ищу уроки везде - где можно. Нашла ЕШКО -начальный и средний уровень, кое-что ещё. С грамматикой проблем нет. А вот с произношением и восприятием на слух - полный завал. Мы досихпор не дошли до того, как произносятся звуки. Про дифтонги вообще молчу... В общем -то я и не жду большего, уроки-то бесплатные, а вся система образования вообще оставляет желать лучшего, тем более в вечерней школе. К сожалению, нанять преподавателя сейчас я не могу. У меня есть некоторый словарный запас. Я читаю книги на английском для учащихся с словарным запасом до 600 слов. Учу слова и граматику, но мне надо "поставить" речь свою и научиться понимать собеседника.
Если найдётся кто - то, кто сможет помочь мне в этом по СКАЙПу - буду безмерно рада и благодарна.
Я живу в Испании 10 лет и говорю на хорошем испанском, кроме того, мой муж - коренной испанец, может подключиться к общению на испанском и каталонском. Более того, можем совместить приятное с полезным - с удовольствием приму англоязычного гостя у себя в Барселоне на срок до 3х месяцев бесплатно(жильё), с условием общения на английском языке.
Эти варианты - наглые мечты Embarassed Но как сказано в Библии - "Стучите - да откроется вам".
Вариант попроще- помогите мне составить объявление на грамотном английском О том, что ищу англоязычного человека, который бы согласился общаться со мной в обмен на руско- или испано- язычное разговорное общение или за очень умеряную плату. sharik
12 Фев 2013 4:22

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39 лет

JennyAtlМои рецепты
Елена, лично проводить по скайпу не могу, времени нет. Но могу посоветовать сайт, где есть неплохие тесты на восприятие речи: там в разных частях разные тесты - от простох до более сложных. Если не найдете ответов - могу проверить (в личку скидывайте). friends
12 Фев 2013 5:34

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West Yorkshire, UK

elenayorkМои рецепты
Леночка, буду очень рада, если смогу хоть немного помочь. Я тебе в личку напишу. Rose
12 Фев 2013 16:26

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ELENA_BAZHМои рецепты
Большое спасибо, девочки! Romashki
08 Мар 2013 13:13

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NatalySМои рецепты
All girls living in the English speaking countries, my congratulations to you on the holiday which has already lost its political meaning but has become a holiday of spring and love. Women has always been associated with love/ That's why it's ours!

08 Мар 2013 17:07

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LenochkaМои рецепты

24 Мар 2013 18:16

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
Недавно в нашей прессе рассказывали о случае с одной учительницей из Донегола (Часть Республики Ирландия в Ольстере).

Девушке отказали в работе няней и гувернанткой в богатой российской семье. Причина - ирландский акцент.

Ничего необычного в этом нет. Заказчик может требовать любой акцент, какой пожелает, за свои деньги. Wink good
Дело в другом - и вся Ирландия - нет, не обиделась - веселится, They've just laughed their... girl_blush2 Smile shall we say... HEADS off! rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 Привели список ирландцев, работающих и работавших на BBC.
Дамочка хотела "акцент BBC". wacko1 wacko1 wacko1 unknown rofl2

Потому что она не знает, что это такое !!!
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Clapping

BBC stands for BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation, not ENGLISH Broadcasting Corporation!

Например, про погоду на BBC рассказывает a wee bonnie Scottish lassie. girl_in_love С очень чистым и красивым, но шотландским акцентом.
Также там есть Taffies - валлийцы - со своим собственным мягким и певучим акцентом. good2 girl_claping
Это только на центральном BBC! girl_yes2 girl_haha А ведь имеются еще BBC Scotland (and, indeed, BBC Alba), BBC Wales (and BBC Cymru), BBC Cornwall, BBC Isle of Man, BBC Nothern Ireland.

Вероятно, имелось в виду RP - Received Pronunciation. unknown girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha
С таким акцентом говорит примерно 3% британцев.

Кто-то давал той даме советы, но сам не знал, как это, называется!
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

А если бы ей предложили, скажем, Бернарда Шоу, она, скорее всего, согласилась бы!
rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2 rofl2
Вы слышали записи с его голосом? Я слышала и очень удивилась. wacko1 Чистейший акцент образованного дублинца. good2 girl_claping girl_claping girl_claping
31 Мар 2013 11:17

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NatalySМои рецепты
I wonder if spring will ever come this year! Nevertheless we have to think of summer holidays. Girls, what do you prefer, by the way, a package holiday or consider your own holiday plans? give_heart

This is a composition. Looks a bit formal. No wonder. it was written as a test.

"It is a well-known fact that many people use travel agency service, while others prefer to make trips themselves. Personally I like to use the help of professionals in organizing the holidays.
The way I see it, a package holiday is one of the most convenient and interesting holidays one can have. To start with, the way of buying a ready trip is easy and quick. As people do not need to think and worry about arranging flights, booking a hotel room...this work will be done by special agents. Not to mention the fact that it is very exciting. There are so many interesting places in the world about which people can learn in tour agency.
However, making our own holiday plans gives us more freedom of choice. Firstly, one can go to any country he wants. For example, Egypt even there is a revolution and weapons can be used. While tour agencies are unable to offer such tours. Secondly, the accommodation can not suit one. The hotel can be different in reality and the Internet. The service can be bad and the staff impolite. `free` travellers can cha ANGE THE HOTEL but people who have bought a ready tour can not. Whereas, `free` tourists can not always find available hotels themselves, as they are often booked out.
In conclusion, I would strongly recommend to use the professional service because it is more safe. But on the other hand, making own holiday plans can be a great experience."
