English speaking room

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03 Дек 2011 20:14

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Jenny Gun


50 лет
SC, USA/Днепр, Украина

Jenny GunМои рецепты
Hi, ladies!
It's nice to find such a place here. I'd like to join u if u don't mind...

P.S. I'm an English teacher too. At least I have a diploma... Embarassed
04 Дек 2011 1:08

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NatalySМои рецепты
Jenny Gun писал(а):
'd like to join u if u don't mind.

As for me certainly not! Welcome to our company. Romashki
04 Дек 2011 4:49

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Jenny Gun


50 лет
SC, USA/Днепр, Украина

Jenny GunМои рецепты
NatalyS, thanx!
24 Дек 2011 14:21

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты

24 Дек 2011 17:42

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NatalySМои рецепты

29 Дек 2011 12:25

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NatalySМои рецепты
Happy New Year!

06 Янв 2012 21:35

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Happy New Year to all!

Nataly, how was your vacation? I certainly hope you have enjoyed it and returned refreshed and recharged, both physically and mentally.
06 Янв 2012 21:57

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NatalySМои рецепты
Крепкий орешек
We're in Moscow now, at my dear sister Olga and her husand Victor's house. It's great staying with them! We've been to the Opra House, listened to Puchini's Bohema. Magnificent! Both the music and the singers. We'are leaving tomorrow morning. Our vocation in Greece was very good too, though I fell ill and had to see a doctor who came to the hotel in no time at all, gave me a lot of medicine and I was like new very soon.

Hope you had a nice time too celebrating Christmas and seeing the New Year in! New Year Hi New Year Tree
07 Янв 2012 1:56

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Nataly, I am sorry to hear about your sickness but I am glad to hear you have recovered soon. I am also glad you are enjoying your visit in Moscow. friends

Yes, I did enjoyed the holidays very much so. I was mixing and matching with in and out parties to keep sparks going. Well, it is time to get back to work now and I am ready for that as well. I like everything in moderation. I guess it is working for me perfectly, I do not like extremes. Embarassed
08 Янв 2012 17:58

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NatalySМои рецепты
Крепкий орешек писал(а):
I do not like extremes.

Neither do I! We've just come back home. My sister phoned me to learn if we are safe and sound after that long way by car. She said that her daughter and my niece Alexandra had enjoyed our New Year party very much though all the guests were not as young as Alexandra's friends. We all enjoyed it. It was a meeting of old student friends and new ones. Drinks or Beer By the way, I've cooked a lemon honey cake from Aliya's recepies. It was a great success. good2 New Year Tree
09 Янв 2012 19:28

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EsmiraМои рецепты
I am glad that everyone was happy as well as for a lemon honey tart being a great succes! good2

As to me, I baked two types of cookies for Christmas. We went out for the New Year so there was no cooking/baking for me. Yahoo! As much as I enjoy cooking but there is limitation for everyting. Especially, when I knew that cooking/baking won't run away from me anywhere as my daughter Diana's birthday is right in the beginning of January. I made some of her favorite dishes and baked "Kievskij tort". She was satisfied. girl_in_love
11 Янв 2012 2:24

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Russia, Canada, UAE

ChefMamaМои рецепты
Hello everyone. It is so nice to join your company, hopefully nobody minds.
I have been following your conversation for a while and finally decided to join.
It seems you don't have a specific topic to discuss, you just talk about everything. Is that right?
11 Янв 2012 10:31

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NatalySМои рецепты
ChefMama писал(а):
It is so nice to join your company, hopefully nobody minds

Hello! I for one don't think someone does. Welcome give_heart
ChefMama писал(а):
It seems you don't have a specific topic to discuss, you just talk about everything.

We do from time to time, but in general we speak of everything we care at this very moment: children, books, cooking, etc.... Would you tell about yourself, please? Drinks or Beer
11 Янв 2012 13:35

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Russia, Canada, UAE

ChefMamaМои рецепты
Would you tell about yourself, please? Drinks or Beer[/quote]

Well, my name is Elena and I will be 50 this year: Yahoo!

I have two kids and I like cooking. This explains why I am on this site.

Although I look through the recipes frequently, I decided to join only recently.

I will not contribute with the step by step recipes, honestly no time at all. I always wonder where on earth girls find time for house work, cooking for the family and making the pictures of what they cooked. Mostly it is on the top of their daily work. I give them a credit for it!

Talk to you later..
11 Янв 2012 19:54

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NatalySМои рецепты
ChefMama писал(а):
I will not contribute with the step by step recipes

I don't think it matters. You've joined the site, it means that there's something that interests you here. Or you might be looking forward to meeting some people you can make friends with. Do you remember: "Birds of a feather flock together"? Like you I don't enjoy representing step by step recepies. But other girls are good at demonstrating the process, not only the result. they are true masters and I take my hat off to them! Drinks or Beer
11 Янв 2012 19:59

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Elena, welcome!

Yes, this is a great site and some girls are simply amazing. I, from the other hand, do not have the opportunity to show step by step recipes as well. I guess it is giving them that satisfaction in life which keeps them going, like hobby. I love cooking as well and gladly share my recipes in simple way if opportunity presents itself. Romashki

Nataly, you and I wrote our last messages almost at the same time, not knowing about it. girl_bye
13 Мар 2012 11:12

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NatalySМои рецепты
Irina F. писал(а):
Here is my video report from Leeds Carnival

Irina, I've just watched the video of the carnival. It's a great sight! very colourful, but a bit too noisy. I envy the participаnts: they seem to be enjoying the parade. Superb! Thank you. Romashki girl_claping
04 Окт 2012 18:33

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30 лет

MashkinМои рецепты
hello, girls. I'm new on this site. You've got so many delicious recipes. I do not have time to cook it all. nyam2
04 Окт 2012 18:59

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42 года

katyakotyaМои рецепты
Hello !
I have been on this site for a few years but noticed English speaking room just few minutes ago.So even without looking through your chat i want to joint,do you mind me to do so Smile
16 Ноя 2012 14:22

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35 лет

VikitakМои рецепты
hi, all! Romashki
May i join to your friendly group)
I learn English recently so i'll be happy if you correct my mistake Embarassed
i'm 23 years old, and as you i like to cook veeeeru much)))
i reckon we have a lot in common))
16 Ноя 2012 19:01

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NatalySМои рецепты
Vikitak писал(а):
i'm 23 years old, and as you i like to cook veeeeru much)))
i reckon we have a lot in common))

If you decided to join us, we sure have! good2
18 Ноя 2012 22:28

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45 лет
украина, г.сумы

@лёнушк@Мои рецепты
can i join you? i miss english so much while i'm on maternity leave...
20 Ноя 2012 11:59

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NatalySМои рецепты
@лёнушк@ писал(а):
can i join you? i miss english so much while i'm on maternity leave

Why not! We are happy to see you here! Your daughters are charming. good2 Look like models. What are their names? give_heart
20 Ноя 2012 17:14

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45 лет
украина, г.сумы

@лёнушк@Мои рецепты
NatalyS писал(а):
Your daughters are charming.

thank you!
the oldest daughter is Kseniya, the middle one is Varvara, and the youngest is Serafima.
20 Ноя 2012 18:26

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35 лет

VikitakМои рецепты
@лёнушк@ писал(а):
thank you!
the oldest daughter is Kseniya, the middle one is Varvara, and the youngest is Serafima.

very unusual and beatiful names good i adore this name-Varvara, if i have a daughter i would like to call this name!)
