English speaking room

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14 Июл 2009 16:34

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43 года

AyishaМои рецепты
NatalyS, thnaks a lot for the link friends Rose Rose Rose girl_claping
14 Июл 2009 16:37

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NatalySМои рецепты
Ayisha писал(а):
thnaks a lot for the link

I hope it'll help you. Romashki Romashki Romashki My daughter Olga asks me to give her love to you. By the way it's her favourite site and whenever she has problems dealing with her baby she asks questions and specialists on the site help her in no time at all. give_heart sharik friends
16 Июл 2009 16:37

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NatalySМои рецепты
If you click the address you"ll see our wonderful fountains
22 Июл 2009 20:26

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Thank you, Nataly, for the link. The fountains are really beautiful! How many of them in the city?
23 Июл 2009 0:23

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NatalySМои рецепты
Моментик писал(а):
How many of them in the city?

Sorry to say I can't say exactly but there may be more than ten. The majority of them are located in the center. I live here.
Here they are. Some of them. They are in Lenin street and then along the staircase going down from Sobornaya Square to Nizhny Park.




You see there's one more fountain next to the park. It's in Peter the First Square, which is a unique one. There is said to be the same somewhere in France if I am not mistaken. As far as I know there's a fountain like this one in Cyprus, but it's not for general public being rather a commercial project. We reavelled to Protaras to see the fountain sHow whereas in Lipetsk it's free of charge. Come and enjoy.
girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha

I'll make a picture and show by all means. It's a great sight.
23 Июл 2009 0:29

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Nataly, very nice! Thank you for sharing! They are beautiful! good2
23 Июл 2009 0:33

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NatalySМои рецепты
Thanks a lot. Romashki Romashki Romashki It's very kind of you. give_heart
23 Июл 2009 0:40

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EsmiraМои рецепты
You are more than welcome! How are you spending your summer days? Don't you just want to jump into one of those fountains to cool down? girl_haha
23 Июл 2009 0:47

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NatalySМои рецепты
Esmira писал(а):
Don't you just want to jump

Why not?! good2 The weather was so hot last week that I dreamed of coming somewhere to Tunis for instance to spend all the day by the sea. Today it's much cooler and I'm considering cruising up the Volga. But it'll be in August. First we are spending 10 days in Moscow at my sister's place. All of us are looking forward to meeting.
I hope you are enjoying your time. give_heart Drinks or Beer
23 Июл 2009 1:02

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Well, as to me, I am cooling myself down at the town pool. The pool is located at the beautiful green area and we have 3 pools there to satisfy everyone. Most of the crowds are concentrated at the heated pool. It works for me as I enjoy the other one, non-heated, as it is quiet just the way I like it so I actually can enjoy my swimming and recharge. It is getting a little bit crowded too sometimes but I am still enjoying it, regardless. There is no way I can join the heated pool, unless my favorite pool is closed, which happens sometimes. So after work, I jump there and swim for about an hour or so. After that I am ready to go.

I hope you will enjoy your cruise and visit to Moscow. One of my sisters lives there as well.
23 Июл 2009 1:12

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Nataly, I know it is silly but I still want to share this with you. I just was enjoing my afternoon coffee with the candy. You know what kind of candy? ГУСИНЫЕ ЛАПКИ from Moscow РОТ ФРОНТ!!! Mmm....delicious!!! These are improvised candies I recently bought in a Russian store. They are like chocolote candies, not old version of it. I always liked the other version but I love these as well. Do you know what I am talking about?
23 Июл 2009 2:19

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49 лет

МаргаМои рецепты
Hello, dear ladies! It is so interesting here. Let me join you as well. girl_claping
Your pilaf looks like my mother's. Spices were not so popular when a child. My mom did not use them. And I still remember the taste of it. I'm going to cook it soon.
I haven't spoken English for several years, since my studies at University, but it's a great pleasure for me. And I'd like to use this opportunity to improve my English, which remains to be well desired. sharik Please, take me in your "English speaking" group. I'll be a good girl! girl_bye
23 Июл 2009 2:24

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49 лет

МаргаМои рецепты
Oh, I'm sorry! I haven't looked through the last page Embarassed
23 Июл 2009 3:00

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Nataly - great fountains - I can't wait to see more. good Thank you for posting the pictures.

Marina - welcome to the group! Hope to hear from you often. By the way, I am from Gelendzik. However, I were in Krasnodar quite a few times - mostly on the way.

Esmira - I see you love to swim! Where do you live in USA?
We have a really hot weather here in LA, too. I only can survive under A/C. However, the beach weather is wonderful and we even went to the beach this weekend and had an opportunity to swim in the ocean. Usually, ocean water is really cold.
Also, we enjoy sangria on the hot day. http://forum.say7.info/topic16631.html

Romashki to all!
23 Июл 2009 9:34

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NatalySМои рецепты
Esmira писал(а):

I know the candies and do like them too. girl_claping You see there are some other ones of the same kind like Раковые шейки and ореховая смесь. Then in Belorussia where my parents used to live after my dad had been dismissed from the military sevice there were candies Халвичные and Зубренок. The same quality, very tasty. Congratulate
Марга писал(а):
Please, take me in your "English speaking" group. I'll be a good girl!

Welcome! Drinks or Beer Your English is very good! sharik What's your profession? Linguistics? good
Марга писал(а):
Your pilaf looks like my mother's

I'm happy we have something in common. Enjoy it! girl_in_love
Моментик писал(а):
Nataly - great fountains - I can't wait to see more.

Olga, I'll make some more pictures. Thank you very much Romashki Romashki Romashki
23 Июл 2009 17:17

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NatalySМои рецепты
Are you fond of fishing? unknown Welcome! sharik The fountains are good to enjoy fishing. girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha


Another fountain

Amusing, isn't it?


My granddaughter Nataly and my daughter's friend Tatiana are making fun. girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha
23 Июл 2009 18:19

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Моментик писал(а):
Esmira - I see you love to swim! [censored] do you live in USA?

Hi Olga, yes I love swimming very much so! I live in New Jersey. I know people make fun of this State but I love it. It is relatively quiet and green, just the way I like it. Also, here we enjoy all the 4 season and even though driving conditions can be difficult when it is snowing and I strongly dislike it but still it is OK. Of course, it depends on the town as well. My town is very conveniently located and it is only 15 minutes away from the New York. It has side walks all over it so I drive only when I have to, other than that I walk. It does not matter to me that majority of people do not walk here. I still do my thing and very happy for that opportunity. I walk to the pool, post office, library, supermarket, etc. All of these conveniently located around the town. How lovely! Well, I live in my town for 5 years. We used to live in Brooklyn, very crowded place so we run from there. girl_haha

As to ocean, I am not big fan of it for some reason. I enjoy lakes mostly but Lake Placid is far away and those are the lakes I really enjoyed about 10 years ago. The water is crystal clear. Such a pleasure to swim there! Unfortunately, our lakes in NJ not as clean so after going there for so many years I have decided to join the town pool and enjoy it very much so. It is nice to swim almost every day. This way I enjoy it and exercise at the same time without even working too hard.

I hope you enjoy your town and what it has to offer as well.
24 Июл 2009 2:57

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Nataly - your granddaughter is so sweet. What a lovely child. The picture with water drops - my favorite - like a piece of art. By the way, question to you as a professional.
In the sentence above: "What a lovely child" did I suppose to put "the" or "a"?
I don't think I heard" What the lovely child" - weird.

[/b]Esmira[b] - Thank you for sharing your opinion and description of your place.
I can not stay cold weather, that why I enjoy LA a lot. However, I do miss all 4 seasons. We have a glimpse of winter during our skiing weekend off and we drive sometimes to the places where we can enjoy the color leafs fall. And it is true -I drive a car a lot, would rather walk sometimes. unknown
I like to swim in a sea better then in an ocean. Lakes and rivers on the second place,sorry. But you are absolutely right - it is a great exercise.
24 Июл 2009 12:45

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NatalySМои рецепты
Моментик писал(а):
What a lovely child" did I suppose to put "the" or "a"?

Rihgt you are! Indefinite article is used in sentences like yours. give_heart

Thank you. She is really lovely and smart as well. praising
24 Июл 2009 18:02

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Nataly, I would also add: "She is such a cutie pie"! ...one of my favorite sayings.
God bless!

Olga, did economy affected LA as well? What is life like there? How are the people, friendly or suspicious of new comers?
24 Июл 2009 20:31

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NatalySМои рецепты
Esmira писал(а):
She is such a cutie pie"! ...

Thank you. I like the saying! Romashki Romashki Romashki
24 Июл 2009 20:48

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EsmiraМои рецепты
You are welcome, Nataly!

As to real pies, my mouth is watering reading some recipes of pies, especially "blueberry pies" for some reason caught my eyes. Those tricky girls will force me to crack my oven on these hot days, aren't they? Wink girl_haha
24 Июл 2009 22:46

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NatalySМои рецепты
Esmira писал(а):
Those tricky girls will force me to crack my oven on these hot days,

girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha

Be careful air_kiss air_kiss air_kiss
24 Июл 2009 23:01

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Thanks, I will try. Have a lovely weekend!
25 Июл 2009 3:38

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Nataly - thank you for your response. Rose It is great to know for sure!

Esmira - Unfortunately, economy effects LA a lot. Unemployment rate is pretty high here. I guess that why people become more aggressive then usual, there are more shootings on the street. The last case, some idiots shot outside during daytime in residence area and shot a 4 year old boy instead of themselves. girl_devil ireful
Some restaurants are going out of the business. It is very sad.

However, people in general very friendly and welcome all new comers.
People love their cars and practically live in them. And, yes, traffic is horrible sometimes. I like it here because it is closed to everything, in the same day, you can go skiing in the mountains and then you can go swimming in the oceans. It is possible and some dudes do so. good
