Болячки на губах



41 год
Colorado USA/Annapa Rossiya
Ya v danui moment ne imeu ih otchen' dolgo. Eti bolyachki chtobu navsega vulichit' pchti ne vozmjno no mojno imet' ih namnogo menshe.
Vot chto ya delayu. Kushaite bolshe ovoshei i fruktov i pod yazuk raz v den' kapat' maslo s oreagano.

Viral Attacks, Herpes, Hepatitis or Shingles

When you feel the onset of a cold, flu, herpes or shingles, you should immediately increase your dosage to 3 drops of diluted oregano oil every one to two hours to keep levels high while fighting an attack. You can also apply it on herpes or shingles.

Hepatitis and herpes are two viral infections that have responded well to treatment of oregano oil. Remember that taking oregano oil more often during the day is better than taking a lot all at once.

22 Дек 2009 2:34

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