English speaking room

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06 Авг 2009 20:08

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30 лет

ШиншиллаМои рецепты
Маленькая_Дрянь писал(а):
Чиатай больше и сама практикуся. На ошибках учатся

Спасиб.. Embarassed мне так и говорили..лень как-то... Embarassed постораюсь Drinks or Beer
07 Авг 2009 0:17

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46 лет
Jersey City, NJ, USA

МышунчикМои рецепты
Nataly, I totally missed your beautiful photos, they are really amazing!! Your granddaughter is so cute!!

Esmira писал(а):
Hi Maria,

Sorry, I do not really watch TV that much so I did not hear about the show "in treatment". I heard of "Seinfeld" from the other hand but not following it so I am not good help when it comes to shows. It is funny, but I would say, I do not have time for the TV (lucky me!). Sometimes, when I do have time and I am in the mood I would watch "Golden Girls", "Everybody loves Raymond" or "Two and a half men", that is about it. If I am lucky, I would find some good movie among the garbage they introducing us to but I rather read, then watch the TV.

I’m also not a TV-person. I try to watch different movies and TV Shows mostly because it helps to improve my English. We have a list of movies in Netflix with more than 200 items in it wacko1 . I don’t know when I’ll be able to watch all of this. Good thing is that now I can download video on my phone and watch it while I’m running in gym dance2

Ayisha писал(а):

Being in New York, of course I couldn't resist the temptation to visit the "Soviet Union". That's what my friends told me a lot. As it really looks like you are back to 80s in there girl_haha So I was walking late from the tube station towards an uzbek restaurant. And there is a huge Ferrari full of armenian guys (can't miss the accent) started to follow me. Of course with typical: "Devushka sadites' podvezem". I was laughing. As I was in US and these guys were talking in Russian to me. I kept walking to catch up with my friends. As I was left behind busy taking pics. It started to annoy me, so I went:"I am sorry I don't speak Russian!" The guy replied:"How do you know I was speaking Russian if you don't speak the language?". This made me burst into laughter girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha
I still laugh remembering back that moment.

You wrote such a funny story about Brooklyn girl_haha I think you mean Brighton Beach. It’s the part of Brooklyn which reminds Soviet Russia of 80-90s most of all. We were in local stores, some shop assistances and the level of service are exactly the same as it was in that time
It was so unusual for me to read how you call metro station – “tube station”. I didn’t hear such a phrase here
Your cakes are very nice good , and I’m sure they taste even better than look. I must say you’re real hero – to manage a baby and cook cakes Romashki Romashki Romashki , I’m really impressed
07 Авг 2009 4:14

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Milwaukee, WI [USA]

Маленькая_ДряньМои рецепты
Thank you Esmira and Maria. I posted my question in the right section now. Have a great weekend, guys!

What are you going to do this weekend?

We have State Fair coming to town! Today is the first day, actually! I'm super excited! Gotta go! xoxox
07 Авг 2009 14:23

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43 года

AyishaМои рецепты

I am glad you liked my story. Yeah I meant Brighton beach of course. And we call a metro - tube in London. So when writing the story it went automatically Smile
And thanks for the comments about the cake.

Welcome. I hope ladies like NatalyS will have a better answer as I myself have no idea. And when I do those cremes I just do it all from the scratch myself in our way.
We were planning to go to a BBQ in my friend's place in Cambridge. But these days my baby is not a happy bunny so we are passing on that plan. So I hope for a calm week end at home, my husband taking the turn so I can get a well deserved SLEEP!

Have a nice one you all Romashki Romashki Romashki
12 Авг 2009 13:08

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30 лет

ШиншиллаМои рецепты
All greetings! friends I here on massage go, and on pricks! And at you that the new? Romashki
12 Авг 2009 21:12

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США - Украина

IngreadМои рецепты
Шиншилла писал(а):
Learn me to English!!! I absolutely do not know it, though учюсь in the ninth class!!!

There is a very productive site for learning English though it is American English but I do like the methods of theaching.

You have to redister and choose your level (there are three levels).

There are some conditions for working with this site:

1. You have to have a fast speed internet since the first level is based on video theaching.
2. You should have a microphone, loudspeaker or headsets for spelling words and checking if it was correct.
3. It is important for any method of learning a foreign language is constancy!

Good luck! Wink
13 Авг 2009 12:56

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30 лет

ШиншиллаМои рецепты
Thanks!!! I very much liked this site!!!
13 Авг 2009 13:58

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30 лет

ШиншиллаМои рецепты
The truth I am bad to understand English, therefore it is difficult to me to understand this a site! But I will show diligence all the same! I hope you me understand?
13 Авг 2009 14:17

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Milwaukee, WI [USA]

Маленькая_ДряньМои рецепты

hey there, girl. I just noticed that you keep making the same mistake over and over. Let's fix it. Wink

I'll explain it in Russian, to make sure you got the rule...

В англ. предложении всегда идет сначала: Подлежащее, Сказуемое, а потом Второстепенные члены предложения.

So every time when you try to build a simple sentence, you have to follow this pattern.

Шиншилла писал(а):
Thanks!!! I very much liked this site!!!

I (Подлежащее) liked (Сказуемое) this website very much (Второстепенные члены предложения)

Шиншилла писал(а):
I hope you me understand

I (Подлежащее) hope (Сказуемое) you understand me (Второстепенные члены предложения)

You should start with something very simple. Put these sentences into the right order for me, please.

1) TV like I watching couch a on
2) Always people walk dogs morning in the
3) Sister afraid is my of spiders

If you have a trouble translating anything, you can try this dictionary, it's my favorite one Wink

13 Авг 2009 14:33

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30 лет

ШиншиллаМои рецепты
1) I like watching TV on couch... Embarassed
2) people walk Always in the morning dogs Embarassed
3) my Sister afraid of spiders Embarassed

Correctly? unknown I tried! sharik sharik sharik
13 Авг 2009 15:42

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Milwaukee, WI [USA]

Маленькая_ДряньМои рецепты
i'm really glad you're trying! You're so young and have so much to learn! Let's do this, let's create a separate topic so everybody can practice and learn English and then, show off (хвастаться знаниями) here dance2

Follow me girl_haha

16 Авг 2009 1:05

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NatalySМои рецепты
Hello, girls. Glad to see all of you and particularly new comers who seem to be looking forward to speaking good English. Welcome!
I've just come back from my holidays. Sorry to say we failed to have a trip to Korfu as it had been planned, but we enjoyed a week in Moscow at my sister's place and then travelled by boat on the Volga river for 4 days. I can't say I'm keen on voyages like this one. It was our first one and probably the last. Nevertheless it wasn't too bad.
I'll tell about it a bit later: too tired after a long trip by car.
This is me on board the boat.

16 Авг 2009 11:21

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Hello all,

Great idea about English lessons. good2

Hi Nataly!
Great picture! I am sorry that your trip to Korfu failed. However, I hope you took the best from your river cruise and Moscow. Can't wait for your story and pictures.
16 Авг 2009 16:33

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NatalySМои рецепты
МоментикThanks a lot, dear Olga!

I'm ready to demonstrate some more pictures dealing with the voyage.

You are sure to know this ancient town - Uglich. Only 36 thousand peole live there. But what kind of people they are!!! They managed to turn their native town into a great tourist attraction! This is the way they earn their livelyhood.
The orchestra playing all kinds of music, folk as well, meets tourists on the bank.

Look at the church. Nobody knows if it's right or not but there's a legend that tzarevich Dmitry was killed on the place where the church was built then. A boy was really killed but who he was nobody can say for sure.

17 Авг 2009 1:06

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
The church is really beautiful and the scenery around kind of mysterious. I am wondering if the story try or not??? I guess, like you said, nobody knows for sure.
17 Авг 2009 21:01

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46 лет
Jersey City, NJ, USA

МышунчикМои рецепты
Hello, Nataly

Nice pictures! Uglich is part of Zolotoe Kol'co, isn't it? I always dreamed about this trip, but unfortunatelly didn't have an opportunity to take it.
You're very brave to travel by boat. For me it would be nightmare - I barely can bear more than 15 minutes on a boat
17 Авг 2009 22:24

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NatalySМои рецепты
Мышунчик писал(а):
Nice pictures! Uglich is part of Zolotoe Kol'co, isn't it

Yes, it is. like Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Murom, etc...We were lucky to see Yaroslavl, the city that is celebrating 1000 anniveresary in September 2010. Unfortunately we had too little time and couldn't see all the sights which are really worth visiting, though we went sightseeing in the center.There are 29 churches in the city. A new one is being built and they will have finished it by the end of the summer. At least they hope. I noticed that the church looks very much the same as the Abby in Moscow and the guide said that it's reaaly so as the project and the architect, Denisov, are the same.
Look at the pictures. This was the only cathedral we were allowed to see both outside and inside.

We listened to wonderful singing. Sorry to say I couldn't buy their CDs as there were many people from other countries and they seemed to be having more time and buy them.

One more church

And a part of the monestery that is a museum now. Again too little time Embarassed

17 Авг 2009 23:04

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NatalySМои рецепты
Look at the picture.


It's the place where Yaroslavl began. If you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise, touch the rock and your dreams will come true. This is what I'm doing.
To be prepared for all eventualities.
Who wants to tempt fortune? Me? Nothing of the kind. girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha
17 Авг 2009 23:55

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Nataly, great pictures and stories! good2 Thank you so much for sharing. Rose
18 Авг 2009 12:20

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NatalySМои рецепты
It's my pleasure. Romashki Romashki Romashki
I think this area is very interesting especially if you are fond of visiting historical places of interest. Sorry to say we've seen only two of them but even this short trip impressed us deeply. As for advice, you see you'd better choose s bus trip: it's more comfotable, doesn't take too much time, so you can make much better use of your holiday.But take into consideration that Russian tourist service isn't as good as in other countries. I don't want you to get disappointed. Drinks or Beer
18 Авг 2009 23:52

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Thanks Nataly! Rose
It is really nice story. Like Maria, I would like myself to make such a trip on the Golden Ring. Maybe you have some advices for us?
19 Авг 2009 0:27

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NatalySМои рецепты
Olga, awfully sorry: I've answered yoy question before you asked it. When thanking Esmira. It's just technical mistake. Embarassed
19 Авг 2009 4:16

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Nataly - no problemo girl_haha

Thank you for the advice anyway. So, bus trip is better then a river trip? Do you think it is possible to find any river trip that would be if not as good as a bus trip but good enough? I really like the idea of river cruise Embarassed
19 Авг 2009 13:43

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NatalySМои рецепты
Моментик писал(а):
find any river trip that would be if not as good as a bus trip but good enough?

It's sure possible. If you buy a trip by a four-deck boat and a bridal suite, it'll be all right. We had a semi-bridal one but it was a two-deck boat "Pallada". The boat isn't bad, as for the meal and the reataurants. They were superb, but it was very hot in our suite. may be because of some technological device coming through it. I can't say for sure. I know many people who admired the trip. My sister, for instance. You see she and her husband travelled for 23 days, visited all the cities and towns up and down the river. It was in the eighteens. Now the trips are supposed to be more comfortable as far as the majorirty of the boats have been renovated and the service tends to be more european. Search in the internet for more information. You are sure to find something that can suit you. give_heart friends
21 Авг 2009 1:13

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EsmiraМои рецепты
Oh, girls, I love cruises as well, though I took only 2 of them recently: to Bermuda and Bahamas. It was great! I am more nature girl and it seems Tropical cruises just for me. I loved the Bahamas the best; Bermuda wasn't bad as well. I especially loved the both cruises because it was free style cruising. It means you are free to do whatever you like to do: eat at your own schedule wherever you like; there are plenty of choices. There are also so many activities going on on the boat so you can pick your own as you wish, isn't it awesome?! I was very pleased and will book one soon as well. I try to go there when it is cold here so I can warm up there and enjoy. Caribbean is my next wish and then, one day, maybe Hawaii but I am not big fan of flying so I postpone the trip to Hawaii for now. I am such a scary cat! girl_haha
