English speaking room

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16 Апр 2008 21:01

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NatalySМои рецепты
lilidzhan Thanks a lot for being considerate. I'm looking forward to seeing the books you bought. Murphy is really good. There's one more book that contains all the information one might need about the ENglish language including word-usage? grammar, etc. Sorry to say I can't show it now as far as my new camera makes pictures of the size that prevents loading. I've not learnt yet how to make them smaller. But it;s the problem of time. I'm sure to cope with the task. The book is Practical English Usage by M. Swan, 655 pages. The yellow one I've shown on the site is supplementary and contains some grammar information and exercises. search
17 Апр 2008 3:08

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты




we have written and spoken communcation and the topic of this semester is law and everyth about it. to be honest, it is my favorite topic, that's why i decided to buy this specific dictionary and exercise book.
and now i would like to show you my collection of books of John Grisham. i dont know if anyone heard of him, but i had read almost all his books. pity that we dont have them all here in Riga. im his biggest fan!! Very Happy he also writes about law girl_in_love




i have 3 more, but i've lent them to my friend.
17 Апр 2008 13:33

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NatalySМои рецепты
lilidzhan It's really great to have the books verygood It's also great that you're working at your English and it's really good. My congratulations Romashki As for J. Grishem I don't think I have read any of his books either in English or in Russian , sorry to say , but this weekend I'll do my best to buy one and then we'll share ideas abou it. Agreed? girl_in_love
17 Апр 2008 13:45

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты
well, i must improve my Engl all the time. i dont remember if i told that im student of Faculty of Modern Languages, 3d course English Philology Rose

agreed good
17 Апр 2008 17:46

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
17 Апр 2008 18:17

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
Hi everybody.
Lilidzhan, nice to meet you
I just study English, so don’t judge my writing, please
My husband has some Grisham’s book too, but his most favorite writer is Dale Brown.
I’ve read some books ( in Russian of course) this writer and I like them/
I hope, in future I’ll can read them again but in English .
17 Апр 2008 19:10

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NatalySМои рецепты
lilidzhan Webstre's Oh It has been my dream since my student years to have a Webster's and a Hornby. Now I've got both and not one but still I'm simply mad about all those books and handbooks. So crazy that even began to write my own ones and have already written 12. Embarassed Embarassed What other languages are you learning? sharik
17 Апр 2008 20:25

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
17 Апр 2008 20:44

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
thank you for your advice. I've been reading a book every day but it simple short stories yet.
17 Апр 2008 20:53

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dusya Hi!
Dusya писал(а):
ks every day but they simple yet.
It doesn't matter. First you have to get used to reading in English. When my students begin reding in English they complain how difficult it is and they understand nothing but in the course of time they start enjoying it and ask for magazines and newspapers. The first English book they read are stories by Roald Dahl. His sories are superb. Romashki
18 Апр 2008 2:47

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты
hi Dusya, nice to meet u too friends
NatalyS French and Spanish. i used to learn Hindi, about 2 years, but then forgot it, because i didnt have chance to practice Sad also i learnt one of the language of south India, so called Telugu. an easy one, but also, dont have a chance to practice, and noticed that it becomes difficult to understand and speak

friends girl_in_love
18 Апр 2008 14:00

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NatalySМои рецепты
lilidzhan Darling, you're a very educated girl! verygood My congratulations. Romashki I began to learn Italian when we were going to travel to Italy, but then I broke my leg and we had to go to Cyprus to have a comfortable country calm sea holiday. Though it was not country as we lived in a 4* hotel, all inclusive. Now I'd like to resume my studies not because we're going to Italy again, just to train my brain. Moreover I used to sing Italian songs when I was young (even was invited to study vocal art at the Art institute in Vladivostok, but I studied in the Far East State University at that time and didn't care about making career in singing) and it has been my dream to sing in Italian. Maybe now I have a chance to realize my dream. At least to speak a bit of Italian. Do you agree? Clapping friends
18 Апр 2008 14:05

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты
of course!! verygood
thnx Romashki
19 Апр 2008 11:03

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NatalySМои рецепты
lilidzhanShame on me! There's a Grisham in our home library but it's at my daughter's place now. I seem to read so much that begin to forget some names though Grisham sounded familiar that's why I bigan to recollect. There are supposed to be his books in our favourite bookshop where we are VIP clients. Do you need a Grisham in Russian? If yes I can buy and post some to you. By the way his books at least some were published in the Library Edition of World Science Fiction. There's one in our home library, but as far as we don't have enough place in my study (a lot of books) we keep it in our daughter's flat because she and her family live in the Urals now. sharik
20 Апр 2008 18:22

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NatalySМои рецепты
lilidzhan Today my husband and I've bought two more books by Grisham. Now I've recollected that I read one but tried to forget becouse of a terrible plot/ Like novels by Elizabeth George. Do you know her "A Suitable Vengance" ansd something like "Horror School". I'm not sure about the title in English.
20 Апр 2008 18:37

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
20 Апр 2008 18:51

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62 года

БарбацуцаМои рецепты
friends friends friends friends friends
What, good fellows!!!
Kiss you!!!!
Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo!
20 Апр 2008 19:05

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
20 Апр 2008 19:14

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NatalySМои рецепты
SplattieHi, darling. I haven't read Matilda, sorry to say. Just stories like " Neck", "Skin", "The Sound Mashine", "Passon's Pleasure", "Lamb for Slaughter", "Poison" and some others. verygood My students told me that they'd seen some films based on R.Dahl's stories, but I've seen none. It's great you know the author. Oh? I've just recollcted one more. It's something like "Witches" if I'm not mistaken. I'll consult my books a bit later.
Welcome Romashki Join our good company. friends
20 Апр 2008 19:16

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
that's a beautiful photo!!!

Thank you! Romashki I'm being impolite. This picture was made yesterday. Embarassed
20 Апр 2008 19:25

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
20 Апр 2008 19:37

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
Hi, ladies
I haven't read any that books and can't say anything but I really happy to see you again. My holiday will finish tomorrow and I will continue my study.
when I read your messages I see how my English is poor.
sometimes I hear a word, I can spelling it correct....but I can't remember what does it mean. it's happen very often with me....but why??? I worry
20 Апр 2008 19:39

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
I like your picture.....you look great!!!
20 Апр 2008 21:30

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dusya Thanks a lot, my dear friend. Don't bother your head about trifles Embarassed Your English is quiet good. My first year students would envy you. It takes time to get used to understanding and using any foreign language. You'll master it much quicker and better mixing with native speakers. When I was doing my course in the USA first I understood everything and was proud of it but in two weeks I felt like a person who had never learned the languge. All my colleagues appeared to feel the same. I wish you all success and be sure your English is all right and soon it'll be perfect. verygood Romashki Clapping
21 Апр 2008 13:27

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты
Hey girls!!!
NatalyS thnx, but i like to read in English Very Happy
