English speaking room

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25 Апр 2008 19:19

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39 лет
Latvia, Рига-Вентспилс

lilidzhanМои рецепты
friends verygood
29 Апр 2008 10:27

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
Hello every one! I'm so glad to see such a great group of people like you here.
My English maybe not as perfect as I wish to have but it's good enough to communicate with others.
I was quiet surprise to see a very intelligent person here on this site such as NatalyS, I want to say I'm proud of you and glad to see how much you love English and have been a teacher for most of your life.
GOOD JOB!!! Love reading your English and maybe all of us can improve our English just by reading your stories.
Proud to say you are GREAT and not many people I have met who loves to speak other languages as much as you do.
Thumbs up !!!!!! verygood verygood verygood
Keep up a great job at your teachings!!! good
Love this ESR> good
29 Апр 2008 11:56

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NatalySМои рецепты
Natalochka Thanks a lot Welcome to our ESR Romashki It's very kind of you to say all these words, but I feel ill at ease a bit as far as I am not sure to be an expert in English living in Russia & not having much experience communicating with native speakers. Though I have to admit that not all native speakers are well educated people and their English leaves much to be desired sometimes. The same in Russia.
By the way, girls, dear Splattie suggested that we should discuss something interesting like cosmetics or the like, show the stuff we have and share idears about the best one. Do you agree? As for me, I've already prepared for the presentation. Yahoo! give_heart
29 Апр 2008 15:05

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
Hello girls
I am very happy to see you again and read your interesting messages
Rose Rose Rose

Nice to meet you and it's really good that you joined to ESR
Unfortunatly, my English is not good and it's dificult to study for me but I try.
I like everybody from our group, they are very friendly and they can stay after my writing. Smile

I agree with you. It would be so interesting to talk about something.
Splattie has suggested to talk about cosmetics what we use....I am interested.
Of course, we live in different countries but we could know more about it and also have good experience.
Who will start? Where is Splattie? Does she remember us?
We have been waiting for long time. acute
I hope so, she will come with the first story soon.
29 Апр 2008 16:20

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
NatalyS, it is a great idea to share a sensations about cosmetics! Smile
If do not mind, i will start Smile
I will tell you about body oil by AVON.
My skin is fatty enough and usualy i don't use bodybalms or somethins like this. After bodybalms i feel like my skin is oily and fat. So i do not like it. But just a week ago my husbands mother presented me a bath and body oil by AVON. After i shave my legs, the skin is a bit dry, so i aplyed this oil and i feel great! Oil SSS absorbes so fast and skin becomes so soft!!! Also i should mark that this oil has georgeous aroma of sweet fresh roses Rose
And my husbad noticed that my skin became soft and gentle Smile
Girls, i advice AVON SSS body oil.
29 Апр 2008 20:47

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NatalySМои рецепты
Hi, girls! Happy to see your lovely faces again verygood Dear Splattie'll join us very soon and she's looking forward to demonstrating her cosmetics to us. She's a reliable person and is sure to be here in no time at all. Clapping
Tatjana Dick
Thank you for starting the master class. You've inspired me to show some stuff I have.
This is Deep cleansing foaming cream. I use it only in the evening not to make my skin too dry. Very good, especially for sensitive skin. Next to it there's a new cream. I haven't tried it yet, but hope it won't do any harm at least. It is anti-shine day moidturiser. Yves Rocher

Another cleanser. It's gel. Can't say anything as far as haven't used it yet.

Two more creams. Recontouring cream face and neck. A very good one. I have already used it. The second one is wrincle reducing night cream with 30 precious oils. Have been using it for a month. It works.

These are Dr. Pierre Ricaud creams: cellular reactivating night treatment and neckline lifting cream purchase for the second time. And have been prsented with one more.

This one is Active potential, anti-age pioneer, very nice. And this one is for eye contour

This is a good Contour Toning Body Lotion

Some creams to make hands soft

I've tried different cosmetics including Herbalife and Mary Kay. They are very good, but in my mind it's better for skin to change your stuff from time to time.
29 Апр 2008 20:59

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
NatalyS, nice collection!
I have one problem and i tried many things to fix it... It's about dark circles under eyes Sad
If anybody has experience how to get off dark crcles and to make eyes more bright and fresh, please, share, i will be very grateful! Koshechka_04

By the way! Offtopic sharik
Today was my first experience of making flowers for the pie like you all do here!!! Next time i will show a photo Smile Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
29 Апр 2008 22:45

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NatalySМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick
Tatjana Dick писал(а):
It's about dark circles under eyes

Have you tried fresh potato minced( sorry I don't know the word тертый), put into a cloth and under your eyes? It's supposed the best method. I used to do it.
By the way the cream I've shown is very good too. give_heart
29 Апр 2008 23:19

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
NatalyS писал(а):
Tatjana Dick
Have you tried fresh potato minced( sorry I don't know the word тертый), put into a cloth and under your eyes? It's supposed the best method. I used to do it.
By the way the cream I've shown is very good too. give_heart

Really?! Just potato? Smile)) So simple! I will definetely try!

About cream: where to buy?

P.S.: тертый is grated in English.
30 Апр 2008 0:04

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
NatalyS писал(а):
Have you tried fresh potato minced( sorry I don't know the word тертый), put into a cloth and under your eyes? It's supposed the best method. I used to do it.

NatalyS it's called chredded potatoes, I thought it will help you to notice and have chance to learn right away. Very Happy I never knew that chredded potatoes suppose to help with black cyrcles under your eyes. I think I learned something new today myself. Thank you NatalyS for advice.

NatalyS I still thing your English is awesome.
And of course Tatjana I'm glad to see you and talking to you too. Your English is great also it's amazing how we all can talk and discuss things in English.
I have to say you are so right NatalyS native Amaricans don't know their grammar as they should. You will be shocked to hear how they speak. That's why we never took serious to learn grammar as much as we should of. But in reality we speak language we call it hippies or kiddish language.

Well I have something to share about cosmetics.
I have been using YevesRocher brand for few years and love their product.
But I have to say few things like lotions for the skin is very greesy so that my skin doesn't really feel great but most of their product is great.
I'm so glad to see that NatalyS have their product I never knew that they sell their product around the world.
I think every person have different type of skin and not every one can use what others can. You should know what your skin is okay with and see how it's taking the product. I basically tried so many lotions until I found one that my skin loves. Rose Romashki
30 Апр 2008 0:08

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick писал(а):
P.S.: тертый is grated in English.

You are so right too. But for some odd reason we use word chredded more then grated. I don't know why. But it's the same meaning. wink3
I do have the same problem with my eyes and I want to try this great idea NatalyS gave us.

30 Апр 2008 0:21

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick писал(а):
About cream: where to buy?

Tatjana I buy my Yves Rocher product here. Check it out, but you have to regester first in order to buy their product. Good Luck!!!!

30 Апр 2008 0:22

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
Natalochka писал(а):

And of course Tatjana I'm glad to see you and talking to you too. Your English is great also it's amazing how we all can talk and discuss things in English.

Thank you Smile
Natalochka писал(а):
You are so right too. But for some odd reason we use word chredded more then grated. I don't know why. But it's the same meaning. wink3
I do have the same problem with my eyes and I want to try this great idea NatalyS gave us.


I've learned English in Scotland. That is because some words can be old or rare... Scottish English is a bit another from English or American English Smile
30 Апр 2008 0:23

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
Natalochka писал(а):
Tatjana I buy my Yves Rocher product here. Check it out, but you have to regester first in order to buy their product. Good Luck!!!!


Thank you for the link!!! Romashki
30 Апр 2008 1:43

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick писал(а):
Thank you for the link!!!

You are sooooo... welcome!!!
Glad to share with you.
I hope you like their product. Very Happy
30 Апр 2008 11:09

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NatalySМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick писал(а):
Thanks a lot. I'll add it to my vocabulary.
As for the creams, you see Yves Rocher can be bought in special shops and the Dr Pierre Recauld products are sold via post/ I have some catalogues but yesterday I gave them to my colleagues. Today I'll get them back and you'll learn the address. Agreed? As for the potato masks I must say that it's been very popular in my country since I even don't know what time. Ypu can also try tea bags, only warm ones. give_heart
Natalochka писал(а):
use word chredded
Thank you, Natasha. You've really improved my vocabulary of American English. It's great. I hope you understand that being a teacher I can't afford either hippies or kiddish or survival English but I avail myself of every chance to learn some colloquial words. And the more the better. Embarassed

Thank you, girls. friends sharik
30 Апр 2008 11:20

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NatalySМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick
Sorry, girls, I would not be a teacher if I didn't consult dictionaries for every new word. This is what I have got to know. There'saword to grate and it has the very meaning you mean, Tatjana Dick. As for the word chredded none of my dictionaries including my favourite computer Multilex and Webster's carries it. I've even consulted the Dictionary of American slang presented to me in a bookshop in Chappel Hill (North Carolina). No this word again. But I'll go on investigating the problem. Thanks a million for the riddle. give_heart verygood Clapping
30 Апр 2008 18:17

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
30 Апр 2008 21:52

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dear Splattie, you look really great! verygood The cosmetics you've got is superb. Clapping It was a good masterclass for me. Now I know what other stuff I need.
Thanks a lot Romashki Romashki Romashki give_heart

This is my new perfume. It's not like my favourite Channels at all. Very different. It's my daughter's present. Who knows it? Embarassed Mukhallat, eau de parfum Paris
30 Апр 2008 23:21

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королеваМои рецепты
Hi,girls!Don't you think it's too boring to speak to one another? Confused
Ira how long have you been living in Toronto? girl_in_love
Dinochka where have you been learning English?
01 Май 2008 0:10

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NatalySМои рецепты
королева писал(а):
girls!Don't you think it's too boring to speak to one another?
Join us and we'll have fun together. friends
01 Май 2008 6:00

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
NatalyS писал(а):
As for the word chredded none of my dictionaries including my favourite computer Multilex and Webster's carries it. I've even consulted the Dictionary of American slang presented to me in a bookshop in Chappel Hill (North Carolina). No this word again. But I'll go on investigating the problem. Thanks a million for the riddle.

Well, I have to say that the word grated is the best one to use in this case but also often used shredded. I also use word grated but I have many recipes where it's called for shredded carrots,onions or else. So I use this word quiet often.
NatalyS I don't know why your dictionaries doesn't show that word, it's interesting because my dictionary shows the meaning of word "shredded" is (резать,разрезать,рвать,крошить,измельчать..)I guess that's why you can't find it because it's not exactly mean тертый.
Oh well I honestly never thought in Russian they mean a big difference at all.
I guess we all learn something new, right?????
I'm so glad we can teach each other, because I'm really interested in improving my Russian language. And this is the best way to do it.
Thanks guys for the conversations with me. Very Happy
01 Май 2008 6:04

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
королева писал(а):
Hi,girls!Don't you think it's too boring to speak to one another?

I'm glad you joined us. We are a great group here.
We can talk about anything, what is on your mind? Very Happy
01 Май 2008 14:43

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dear Natalochka, I looked for the word CHREDDER, this is the way you spelt it. As for shredder it's a bit different. Don't you agree? There's the word in my dictionaries and there's a special office device to shred waste paper and the like. It's shredder, not chredder. Embarassed Be so kind as to mind your spelling. Agreed? give_heart
01 Май 2008 18:25

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
Hello , girls
The first I would like to say to Tatjana… sorry… as I didn’t greet her in ESR
Perhaps it happened because I read your subject ‘ This is happiness to remember it..‘
or ‘I am happy to remember it…’ I don’t know what is correct
( Какое сачстье, помнить это....).
Tatjana… It was very interesting…thanks. I also wrote my thoughts there.
So….Tatjana, nice to meet you in this good company
I am very sorry with my mistakes, but I am in studying process and hope you’ll be able to understand me.
The second….girls…thank a lot for cosmetic show
It’s fantastic!!! I see you love yourselves and look after you very well.
As a result ….you look brilliant
Splattie….I’m agree with you. Actually, a cosmetic class is very funny.
I had one many years ago. Every girls must put on special make-up .
For example: a mouse, a cat....autumn, spring…. I should be a Dracula?!?!
When I was working at my image, I tried to do everything well and didn’t think about my look.
In the finally I put on my head a black wig…
Could you imagine me??? Confused Confused My face was whit, my eyelids were blue , my lips were dark red and there were a few drops “blood “ on my cheek.
So , you understand…wink3 wink3 I was really beautiful Smile Smile ….
When I had a look in the mirror… Shocked Shocked
I was shocked…but next we had much fun looking to each other.
Now seriously….. I also have cosmetic and will show everything to you next week, so I’ll have more free time.

P.S. I hope so that you can understand my story....thanks
Rose Rose Rose
