English speaking room

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01 Май 2008 19:27

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47 лет
Dundee, Scotland

ElitaМои рецепты
NatalyS You are right, to continue your discussion about words shredded- grated, here in Scotland people use both words, but shredded- is more popular wink3
Thank you for a very useful information, it would be wery helpful for me, I need to buy new cosmetic urgently Confused Very Happy
01 Май 2008 21:08

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
01 Май 2008 21:12

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SplattieМои рецепты
01 Май 2008 21:23

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NatalySМои рецепты
DusyaDarling, a nice looking woman like you and Dracular.... Why not doing it just for fun Smile Olga, don't bother your head about mistakes. I think you are the last one to complain, as I have already said. We understand you, you understand us and at the same time all of us are improving our language. It's great, isn't it?
My husband and I have just come from a German pub. We had a very poor experience there last time and decided not to go to this place again. Then my husband suggested having another try. And this time we enjoyed both the meal and the service. Sometimes it's good to eat out. good
01 Май 2008 22:44

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
Olga, i am so glad to see you too! Romashki Also i am glad that you like my story sharik
02 Май 2008 0:36

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
02 Май 2008 0:37

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SplattieМои рецепты
02 Май 2008 0:39

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):

Cheese, vegetables (something solid and firm ) are grated

All sorts of leaves (lettice, bay leaves, cabbage) are shredded. I imagine, torn with your hands.

Splattie! thank you for making this question so clear!!! Rose Now all of us can add these words to our vocabularies Smile
02 Май 2008 0:41

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
Tatjana Dick,What story? Did Splattie miss anything? Shocked

You can find it here --> http://forum.say7.info/post183921.html?highlight=#183921
It is about my idea of memory Smile
02 Май 2008 0:42

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
02 Май 2008 0:47

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SplattieМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick Rose
02 Май 2008 0:50

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
Tatjana Dick, I am speechless! Not only you are a very romantic person, but that enormous command of sevaral languages at ones! I wish you never lose that talent of yours!

I shy... Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed sharik sharik sharik sharik Rose
Thank you for the compliment!!! It is so nice of your!!!! Romashki
02 Май 2008 0:51

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
02 Май 2008 0:53

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SplattieМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick
Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose
02 Май 2008 4:07

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
NatalyS писал(а):
shred waste paper and the like. It's shredder, not chredder. Be so kind as to mind your spelling. Agreed?

Yes you are right I did noticed I misspelled it, it's shredded not chredded. Oh well it's okay I guess you know now the right spelling of the word. I wrote it in the hurry and didn't realize that I misspelled.

I'm glad you are so quick on noticing mistakes.
Thanks for correcting me.
Anyway glad we have great conversations.
02 Май 2008 4:17

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
I want to share with you my favorite perfume which I buy from YvesRocher company. It's called "Evidence". good
It really has great aroma and who ever is next to me they always wonder where I buy this great perfume. search
And of course you have to smell it first to beleive it Very Happy
Your hunny will love how you smell too. Smile Smile
02 Май 2008 4:30

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49 лет

NatalochkaМои рецепты
Elita писал(а):
NatalyS You are right, to continue your discussion about words shredded- grated, here in Scotland people use both words, but shredded- is more popular

Elita now I'm glad to see that where I live and where you live are not the only ones use this word in cooking. verygood verygood
We have popular cooking shows on TV where they use word shredding so much even using grater.
Glad you joined us and please do share your great cosmetic experiences. Love to hear what you have in Scotland. verygood
02 Май 2008 10:27

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
Get ready, cruel girl
I capitulate Sad Got scared Shocked Give quarter give_heart Have a look, how peaceful and quiet I am good
In Bulgaria again.
Natalochka писал(а):

The firm presented me with this perfume. It's very nice, but as far as I have been caught on the hook by the Chanel I presented it to my acquaintance. You see I don't like to store things. sharik
02 Май 2008 11:33

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
What sort of fragrance is it?
You see I haven't decided yet whether I like it or not. It's none of the ones I got used to. A bit too thick and sweet. And I prefer fresh and elegant. This perfume is alleged to be something exclusive and the design too though it's rather simple. Shall I put a napkine with the perfume into a plastic packet while posting you those things I've prepared and another book by Gulic too? As it's impossible to describe the fragrance. I am not a specialist, just anamateur. Sad Sorry. give_heart
02 Май 2008 16:18

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
02 Май 2008 16:32

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
Shall I push the mine back into the Atlantic

No, no it's dangerous for ships. Do you remember the Titanic? Though it was not a mine, still.... Let's recycle it. "Перекуем мечи на орала" I can ask my husband how to do it. By the way he has developed a unique technology of recycling super toxic waste in a blast surface.
Splattie писал(а):
And I'll loch up my fortress and drop the key into the water!
so that nobody came in and stole a sword Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
Wonderful pictures, really wonderful. Looks like the Pacific ocean. verygood
02 Май 2008 17:30

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
03 Май 2008 10:10

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
oh, yes, please, ask him
He said: "There's nothing to be done but blowing it down." Will that do? Smile Smile Smile Smile give_heart
03 Май 2008 10:27

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
And the Promesse Cacharel Eeu de Toilette

My daughter says that the perfume is great verygood She presented her friend with it and was looking forward to buying one for herself but she has too many thanks to her husband. Yesterday she tried my Chanel Allure and liked it. So I presented it to her.My husband promised to buy me something else. But I don't think I need any. give_heart
03 Май 2008 14:28

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40 лет

OceaniaМои рецепты
Hi, hi! It's me again Wink
If you are talking about parfumes, i will tell you about mine! Smile
3 years ago my friend used Paco Rabanne Black XS for man. This aroma is so great! Some sweet accent, fruits, woods and bronse. I was ready to smel it all my life! And then i thought that if Paco Rabanne will make such an aroma for girls, i will definetely buy it!!!
And autumn 2007 i saw a poster about new parfume for her. It was my dreamed Black XS for her!!!! Urraaahhh!!!!! I decided to have it anyway! Now i do have and i am very happy Smile)))
Also i like very much a parfume called Angel by Thierry Mugler.
I like parfumes to be sweet and warm Smile
