English speaking room

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03 Май 2008 19:33

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NatalySМои рецепты
Tatjana Dick писал(а):
Angel by Thierry Mugler
Thank you. I've got to know some new information. Clapping give_heart
03 Май 2008 19:35

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
Hello girls..: friends friends ..nice to see you again and read your message.
I just have a little time and taking into a count my poor English, it is difficult to say everything what I would like.
About perfume...I'd like light and fresh as a spring breath, even it's a little bit sweet. I have been using Calvin Klein "Eternity". The others are Carolina Herrera "212". From time to time I change it, but I always return to my favorites.
03 Май 2008 21:44

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dusya писал(а):
like light and fresh as a spring breath,
Me too. friends That's why the new one I've shown seems a bit too thick. give_heart
05 Май 2008 2:07

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
05 Май 2008 9:23

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NatalySМои рецепты
SplattieI wish I took part in the event and spoke English at least. verygood
Embarassed sharik
05 Май 2008 11:27

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56 лет

momsbuzzМои рецепты
NatalyS писал(а):
momsbuzzWhat do you mean ? What's the temperature in your area? Embarassed It's 11 above zero in Central Russia, and we are happy how warm it is. Much warmer than it usually is in the end of March. Clapping Lyudmila, you're supposed to have got my message and as a result you're here. Romashki Am I right? Happy to see you in our ESR. Don't you mind telling about you as other girls do? friends give_heart See you later and soon.

Hi NatalyS,
Sorry I did not answered on your note earlier. Embarassed

There is May already. I am so embarrassed that I did not look in ESR for so long time.
It was really cold March for this area (but not as cold as in Central Russia). It was about 6 below zero at night, and compared with California, where we lived for seven years it was reeeeally cold. Now I will not complain about our weather. It is warm and nice. Trees are all in flowers. Outside is light and warm.

Thank you for your warm invitation for this forum. I look forward to be here more. I love this site. There is very nice environment. I love people on this site, and lovely teasing make family feeling. friends
Romashki Romashki Romashki girl_in_love
05 Май 2008 12:41

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NatalySМои рецепты
momsbuzzHi, darling Romashki Happy to see you here again. You're quite right to say that our ESR is a great place to mix with just like hanging out with your bossom friends in youth. How are you keeping? Wonderful I suppose looking at the picture of a prosperous young couple you and the man beside you look like. Is he your husband, by the way? He looks very much like a Hollywood star, doesn't he? verygood Am I right to say that you've been living in the USA for a long time? Bye. Hope to see you soon. give_heart
05 Май 2008 23:17

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королеваМои рецепты
Hi,girls! Romashki Can I join you? Just to practise my English? girl_in_love
06 Май 2008 0:07

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56 лет

momsbuzzМои рецепты
NatalyS писал(а):
momsbuzz Wonderful I suppose looking at the picture of a prosperous young couple you and the man beside you look like. Is he your husband, by the way? He looks very much like a Hollywood star, doesn't he? verygood Am I right to say that you've been living in the USA for a long time? Bye. Hope to see you soon. give_heart

Thank you, NatalyS, for a complement about the young couple girl_in_love
Yes, he is and only my lovely husband for 20 + years already. He is my maestro, but not in Hollywood, in church. wink3 By the way we have 5 wonderful kiddos.
Again, you are right, we live in US for a while.

Have a beautiful day. Romashki Romashki Romashki friends
06 Май 2008 12:51

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
Hello girls....glad to be here and to see you again
momsbuzz- Lyudmila...nice to meet you:Rose: Rose

I’m ready to show you my cosmetics . I have used cosmetics of many different companies before.

Now I have brand Dr.Lewinn’s cosmetic. It made in Australia and I like it.

Line smoothing complex S8:

Corrective line filler, Triple-action day defence, Eye recovery complex,, Double intensity night cream, Super hydrator (sorry I forgot to add it when took pictures)
All complex is very good….I don’t use the filler every day but twice a week…it helps to make mimic wrinkles softer.

On the left side the first picture you can see the Cosmetic lift (facelift without surgery) containing 5 things

Cosmetic lift powder, Cosmetic lift activator

…mix together( 1 t.s every staff)…it’s a lifting mask.

Next use Gentle facial cleanser to wash

..and then Tissue firming serum and Vitamin a rejuvenation cream.

Cosmetic Lift is to be applied 3 times over a 10 day period and then 1 per month thereafter.
I just have used 2 times yet and the result is good

I will show my make-up cosmetic
have a nice time Romashki Romashki Romashki
06 Май 2008 18:03

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NatalySМои рецепты
Dusya Such a great stuff verygood The cosmetics seem really good, though I'm sure that it just adds to your natural beauty. Your face is very attractive and young Clapping By the way can it be purchased only in Australia? search
06 Май 2008 18:28

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47 лет
Dundee, Scotland

ElitaМои рецепты
DusyaVery good cosmetic! good I hope it will help you to keep yourself young and beautiful forever! wink3 good anyway you look perfectly well! sharik
06 Май 2008 18:29

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
Yes, I think. Australia very strange country.
when I arrived here the first time I was very surprised because can not find very popular in Europe cosmetic "Helena Rubination".
You can check in internet www.drlewinns.com
I used Yves Rocher...it's good.....just one crem was very oily for me

I use make-up from Jane Iredale (USA) I have checked there are distributors in Moscow.
06 Май 2008 18:32

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66 лет
Россия, Австралия, Австрия, Англия

DusyaМои рецепты
Thanks a lot give_heart give_heart give_heart

NatalyS писал(а):
can it be purchased only in Australia? search

Yes, I think. Australia very strange country.
when I arrived here the first time I was very surprised because can not find very popular in Europe cosmetic "Helena Rubination".
You can check in internet www.drlewinns.com
I used Yves Rocher...it's good.....just one crem was very oily for me

I use make-up from Jane Iredale (USA) I have checked there are distributors in Moscow.
07 Май 2008 1:36

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
07 Май 2008 1:38

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
07 Май 2008 4:44

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56 лет

momsbuzzМои рецепты
[quote="Dusya"]Hello girls....glad to be here and to see you again
momsbuzz- Lyudmila...nice to meet you:Rose: Rose

I’m ready to show you my cosmetics . I have used cosmetics of many different companies before.

Hi everyone. Nice to be here and see your faces.

Hi, Dusya, and pleasure to meet you too.

Thank you Dusya for sharing some info about cosmetic. That is good that you found what you need. I am not a big fan on putting something on my face and skin. The time is going and off course we changing and my skin need the moister and something to hide my wrinkles. I found one company to stack with. I use Wrinkle Drops and Resurrection Bio-Mist for my face. I found some cosmetic, that is matched my personality. ( I do not like to be very visible). I buy there all personal care products I need for my family from toothpaste to cosmetic. Kind of expensive, but I don't worry about the ingredients in all of this staff. I love all the products. I am not good at taking pictures, but if you want I can ask my sons to make them.

Thank you for your pictures, that you sent. Your cosmetic looks very attractive. Clapping

Love to see you again,
Have a blessed day.


Sorry about my English. I am not perfect at it too. Americans hearing some accent. But I am trying my best. sharik sharik sharik
07 Май 2008 9:28

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
There is soooooo much here to eat, to buy and to drink!

Thanks a lot, honey. Romashki This is what makes me feel ill at ease Embarassed Much tasty food and I can't afford it Shocked Though I am not a heavy eater at all. search By the way me and MR my husband are considering visiting London or it may be Dublin in winter. Yahoo!
07 Май 2008 17:09

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NatalySМои рецепты
королева Where have you gone? Appeared once an disappeared Embarassed We are waiting for you to join us. Welcome Romashki
07 Май 2008 18:26

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
07 Май 2008 18:27

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
07 Май 2008 18:30

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
07 Май 2008 19:05

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
visiting Dublin?
Thank you, darling. Romashki You are so thoughtful as usual. Tomorrow I'm going to the travel agency I have been dealing with for years and they have never let me down. I'll ask them about travelling opportunities to Ireland and England. Then we'll consider what to choose, though Ireland has more advantages as far as you are living there. But it's only a dream. Nobody knows is our dreams will come true. Embarassed friends
07 Май 2008 23:31

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королеваМои рецепты
Hi everybody!I'm glad to see you! girl_in_love English is my job and my hobby!
So if you have any questions on grammar or lexics please ask! good I like travelling too but I'm just dreaming about travelling to any English speaking country!By the way I'm from Kazakhstan!What do you know about our country? search
08 Май 2008 2:28

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
