English speaking room

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07 Май 2009 3:37

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Wow! What a sparkling conversation we have here. Bye-bye housekeeping. Yahoo!


"Sometimes my accent betrays me, and people can tell that they can hear my accent" - works all the time for me.

"we have invented our own Russian-Italian language (mixed grammar and words) comprehensible only to us I think." - you are lucky yo have a good language practice at home, My husband is Russian still we have the same pigeon language at home mix English and Russian.

"I" ve read that you can say that you speak really well (perfectly, I do not understand this term, too relative and subjective) when you are able to think in this language (I do, I sometimes even dream in Italian) and to express yourself when you are angry / afraid or so on (in critical situations in a word)."

I absolutely agree ! or tired after long work day.


"But we for whom English is foreign simply can't do it if (I repeat it, sorry) we don't live in this language environment." and it's actually good.
Sometimes it is really confusing when you think in English and have to translate to Russian because all of sudden you understand that you are having conversation in Russian.

"I'm proud of my country and treat people from other countries with respect."
So we do. As' well as many other emigrants here and around the world.
07 Май 2009 3:39

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Dear Ayisha,

Where are you girl? How are you feeling?
sending you warm wishes and flowers Romashki
07 Май 2009 3:40

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
where - censored??? OK
07 Май 2009 3:40

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
07 Май 2009 16:29

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41 год
Рим, Италия

MARUМои рецепты
Olga, where do u live? Sorry, maybe you mentioned before, I do not remember..
07 Май 2009 23:01

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Maru - Los Angeles(USA) I mentioned before but don't worry. It is OK to ask.
08 Май 2009 3:41

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39 лет

TanuhaМои рецепты
Hi ladies

Just wanted to say hello. (I hope I’m not intruding in a privet conversation)

As my username suggests my name is Tanya, and I currently reside in the US—state, New Jersey.

I have been lurking around the website for a few months, and finally decided to join the fun. I’m very excited to see some fellow English speaking gals. Drinks or Beer
08 Май 2009 9:44

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NatalySМои рецепты
Welcome! Glad to meet you and hope you'll drop in again and tell us about something interesting! Romashki And what can be more interesting than people?
So tell us about yourself, will you? give_heart give_heart sharik
08 Май 2009 12:29

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41 год
Рим, Италия

MARUМои рецепты
Los Angeles, cool! I would like to visit it once.. even if I am afraid to fly for so much time... girl_haha

Hi, Tania, and welcome!
NatalyS писал(а):
So tell us about yourself, will you?

Yes, please, tell us smth interesting!
08 Май 2009 21:40

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46 лет

AmeriМои рецепты
Hi, girls! How are you doing?
I want to tell you that LA is the beautiful city! I never was before, but I saw a lots of photos. I was at San Francisco, and loved it, too!
So, I have the problems with Tense and more. Please, give me advice!
09 Май 2009 7:54

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты
Maru and Ameri,

LA indeed is wonderful city and very diverse. You can find here whatever you are looking for. I wish you can come.
I visit SF often ( have a sister-in-law in there) - love the city.

Ameri -sorry, but what do you mean "So, I have the problems with Tense and more"?

Tanuha - welcome! Glad to see a new member here.

10 Май 2009 20:45

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56 лет

floridchankaМои рецепты
Hello, ladies.
I hope you don't mind me joining your little group. Looks like you have lots of fun here.
My name is Julia. I live in Florida.
I have found the site a few months ago and have been hooked since.
I wanted to extend special "thanks" to Nataly, who told me about your group.
I also wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with everyone's English, especially those girls' that do not have an opportunity to practice it in their everyday's lives.It is very commendable.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.
Talk to you soon.
10 Май 2009 21:54

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NatalySМои рецепты
At last! You can't even imagine how happy I'm to see you here! I'm not scared by the image you've presented instead of your photo!
Not at all, Pussy Cat! girl_haha girl_haha girl_haha give_heart
10 Май 2009 23:53

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41 год
Рим, Италия

MARUМои рецепты
hi girls, nice to meet you!
11 Май 2009 11:50

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты

Nice to have you here.

NatalyS - You are brilliant - bring more and more people to our group!

How's your weekend ladies?

Did you celebrate Victory Day?
11 Май 2009 13:38

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41 год
Рим, Италия

MARUМои рецепты
Hi girls!
Hope everything is ok with you!
Моментик писал(а):
How's your weekend ladies?

we did nothing special, we now have my father-in-law at home, so we ate a lot of Siciliy food nyam2
11 Май 2009 15:42

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NatalySМои рецепты
MARU писал(а):
Siciliy food

What is is? Embarassed
11 Май 2009 15:55

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41 год
Рим, Италия

MARUМои рецепты
sorry, maybe some mistake..My husband is Sicilian, but we live in Toscana, his parents are in Sicily, so when they come here they bring a lot of Sicilian things to eat.... GOOD things to eat... Yahoo! dance2
11 Май 2009 19:33

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43 года

AyishaМои рецепты
Hello everyone!

Wow I see that it is quite lively here. A lot to catch up.
welcome to the newbies.

I just came to say quick hello. I have been busy these last days. The weather is nice. And I am tryaing to get the most out of it by walking. So sitting in front of the laptop is not the favorite for the moment. Especially with the difficulty to sit long.
All in all I am fine, waiting for our baby to arrive. Arranging her nursury, finally. Still need some bits to arrive tp make a finishing touch. And than I can post the pics of it.

Take care you all.
Kisses and hugs Smile Romashki Romashki Romashki
11 Май 2009 19:44

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41 год
Рим, Италия

MARUМои рецепты
Dear Ayisha, nice to meet you!
Ayisha писал(а):
waiting for our baby to arrive.
- it is so cool! Is it your first baby? Embarassed
Ayisha писал(а):
And than I can post the pics of it

I would like to see! Romashki
11 Май 2009 22:02

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NatalySМои рецепты
It's great that you're in a good mood! We too are waiting for the new baby to come! give_heart
12 Май 2009 0:40

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Планета Земля

МоментикМои рецепты

"a lot of Sicilian things to eat.... GOOD things to eat."

I am sure it is! I am crazy about Italian food and I heard the Sicilian is the best.


"waiting for our baby to arrive" - when are you expecting?

We were invited to a big Russian party in a park and had Russian barbecue for the Victory day. getting together and sing Russian song are so wonderful.
I think during the holidays my nostalgia hits me more then any other times.
12 Май 2009 13:21

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41 год
Рим, Италия

MARUМои рецепты
Моментик писал(а):
I am crazy about Italian food and I heard the Sicilian is the best

me too! and I think that the most delicious things are very simple, very natural..
Моментик писал(а):
I heard the Sicilian is the best

maybe yes, you know it is difficult to say, I am sure in all Italy you eat very well, and I think there is no pure Italian food, I mean there are so many region by region, that you just can not say oh yes it is typical Italian... The only generic things you can say Italian are pasta and pizza, and even they change a lot place to place... Wink good2
13 Май 2009 18:37

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43 года

AyishaМои рецепты
Ah Maru,
you made me wanna go back to the old good times when I was spending at least a month in the Italian islands for the yearly break. I had a friend there, we were going everytime in diff parts of Italy. We planned to go to Sicily but that one didn't work out and I regret it. She is still in Rome by the way and keeps tempting me Smile

It is good to know that you had a nice time out on the 9th of May. Ah don't start the topic abt the nostalgy, it is getting tougher for me, as I never been away from Uzb for so long. I used to go and see my family every 2 months or so.
Yeah I have finally finished the nursery corner of our little one. And today I received the baby bath as well. So all is set and now we are all ready for her arrival. My baby is due in 17 days, but we never know if she decides to stay longer or not. I really hope she arrives on her due date though

NatalyS, thanks for your nice words and thanks just for being here and you! YOu always light up a warm light in a person's heart!

As I have promised here are the pictures of our nursery corner.

it is small lullaby puppy (a gift from friend) enjoying her play gym for the moment Smile
13 Май 2009 19:20

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NatalySМои рецепты
It's great, darling! girl_claping girl_claping girl_claping You are so thoughtful about your baby and I can't help admiring the wonderful pictures demonstrating how much you and your husband want to become parents. Everything is so nice and well done that I wish I had a chance to present your baby with some beautiful toy or some baby clothes I enjoy buying for my grandchildren.
Keep being positive and evrything will be all right! Romashki Romashki Romashki
