English speaking room

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10 Мар 2008 1:41

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
10 Мар 2008 20:42

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
12 Мар 2008 0:11

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40 лет

NatalijaМои рецепты
Splattie hello.How are you? I am in Ireland too Clapping Yahoo!
12 Мар 2008 0:48

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73 года

Skiph22Мои рецепты
...Мы тута с сельчанами посоветовалися и всем сходом решили - запретить опчение на ентом сайте на язЫках басурманских...
...Никтишна, ты только прикинь, они начнут рецептиумы вкуснятины всякой по-ненашему писать... а нам готовить как? ЯзЫки учить? Или обратно пельмени из гамаза варить? Не гоже енто! Уси должны гутарить на русском наречии! До единой(го)!
...Так, не ровен час, дождемся рецептиумов на греческом, на верджинском, на гармиш-патенкирхском, и, упаси Господь, на кипрском... я, уж не говорю, на украинском...
... Никитишна, прикинь... "отварите 200 гр. гали"... Ведь ты сдуру пойдешь от соседки шмат мяса резать... а ить по-латышски "gala" - это "мясо", а не "человечина"... Срок тебе светит, Никитишна, за убивство... а почему? ЯзЫков не ведаешь! А это нам надо - по лагерям мотаться?
... Любите русский, типа, могучий... Ить ишо Михайло Ломоносов сказал:"Им и в любви признаться можно ибо ласков он... И по харе съездить... ибо краток и понятлив он..."
...А если честно, то очень рад, что столько россиянок могут по-басурмански... Главное, чтобы их дети знали и помнили русский...
12 Мар 2008 19:27

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
Natalija, hi! Nice to meet you! Rose
What county do you live in?
12 Мар 2008 19:34

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
Skiph22, я смеялась до упаду! Рассмешил, спасибо.
Честрно говоря, тебе бы надо послушать этих русских здесь, которые ни по-русски, ни по-иноземному не могут. Я, говорят, по-русски что-то разучился... А по-английски - с таким же успехом. В смысле, неуспехом.

Михайло Ломоносов, к слову, по-английски с детства говорил, а позже немецкому выучился. Еще и на немке женился.

Я, между прочим, мужа научила петь: "Ежик резиновый шел и насвистывал дырочкой в правом боку..."

Так что - заходи! Гостем будешь! Romashki Rose sharik
12 Мар 2008 19:47

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
12 Мар 2008 23:06

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NatalySМои рецепты
Skiph22 Smile Smile Smile Serge, you' re great! I like you being in the mood for joking! verygood Would you join our good company? Being a journalist you are sure to speak any foreign language. I'd rather you spoke English. sharik

Дорогой Сергей, ты поднял мне настроение, основательно убитое ремонтом в квартире. Мне нравятся твои идеи относительно русского языка. Я преподаю англ яз уже почти 37 лет, люблю язык, но это не значит, что пренебрегаю русским. Мои дети хорошо владеют родным языком и неплохо говорят на англ. Сын, работая в Дании, даже оперативки проводил на англ. После первой позвонил мне на работу и радостно сообщил мне об этом.
Извини, что-то я разболталась, как говорит мой одноклассник, которого я нашла через 40 лет, по-стариковски. Embarassed
12 Мар 2008 23:09

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NatalySМои рецепты
NatalijaGlad to see you here! Welcome to our good company Romashki
12 Мар 2008 23:15

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NatalySМои рецепты
DinochkaHave you got your driving license? Can we congratulate you? Romashki
12 Мар 2008 23:20

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
You will need your painkillers now,
Darling, I've just seen the whole collection of marsterpieces you exhibited some days ago. It's great. Everything is superb. Nothing to say of the bells.Thank you for the pleasure I got thanks to you. It was a big job, wasn't it? Romashki Romashki
13 Мар 2008 2:59

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
NatalyS, glad to see you again! Very Happy

It wasn't a job, it was great pleasure!!! Smile
13 Мар 2008 3:00

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
Skiph22, кто такая Никитишна? Very Happy
13 Мар 2008 3:02

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
Natalija, dear! Shell we start just now! Yahoo!


Pog me! Is Eireanach me, innui!

I tried to take a photo of the lovely witch on the top of the chimney and one of the coordonaters shouted up to the chimney: "Derek (!!! ), look here, the lady wants to take a picture of you!"
Derek was beautifully made up, wore a nice dress, blew kisses, but the poor thing had red hands in the wind there up on the chimney.






I was not dressed as a Laprehaurn, an Irish gnome, who knows, where a pot full of gold is hidden. - That's because he has hidden it himself! Just where a rainbow begins.
Just it was cool and windy. And a tiny vessel behind me is a navy ship Aoifa", the portrait of the girl you can see on the board of the ship, she is flying on a broom!


Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
13 Мар 2008 21:29

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NatalySМои рецепты
Splattie писал(а):
кто такая Никитишна?
It's a comic stage character, one of the two - Nikitishna and Mavrikievna - performed by two men. They were very popular for some years. They acted two elderly ladies who were supposed to be friends but were always bickering. These two were very positive and did their best to be conventional. They were funny and amusing but never saucy. At least I haven't heard anything boorish. Skiph22has reproduced their manner very artistically. Smile Smile Smile Sorry, I was mistaken. One of the two actors died and now there are other two who continue the project. One of them is called Цветочек. hey are as popular as the previous ones. Embarassed
14 Мар 2008 4:09

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
NatalyS, I see! Thank you very much for explanation! Rose
14 Мар 2008 4:53

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47 лет
Dundee, Scotland

ElitaМои рецепты
could you please give some background of St Patricks day? Why do irishmens selebrate it? how do you selebrate it? Romashki It's very interesting! good
15 Мар 2008 23:05

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доехала удачно. целую. крыша

KristenМои рецепты
wow. cool pics.
im just dropping by to say hi to all the cool people here.
hows everybody feeling???!!! hope u doing well.
hope the remontu kvartir are super high euro style.... good good Smile)))))))
good luck
16 Мар 2008 0:34

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NatalySМои рецепты
SplattieI share Kristen's opinion about cool pictures. Great! verygood I've just had my sitting-room and study redecorated. It's awful. I couldn't have coped with the cleaning if my helper, a woman who comes to me once a week to help about the house, hadn't come and done a lot of work. Confused Today we've had a lot to do with new curtains, buying a new carpet to my study and a TV-set. I hate shopping. But if I had refused to accompany my husband he would have got offended. Now I'm having a high blood pressure and as a consequence an awful headache. Nevetheless I couldn't but come to see you and say a few words. Bye, girls. give_heart
26 Мар 2008 4:52

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47 лет
Dundee, Scotland

ElitaМои рецепты
It's so sad, I hope, you getting better?
26 Мар 2008 11:00

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NatalySМои рецепты
Elita писал(а):
, I hope, you getting better?
Thank you, darling. A bit tired, otherwise all right. I'm happy to have a new siiting room and a study. My husband was so enthusiastic about redecoration that he adjusted a new shelf for the keyboard and did some other things we were too lazy to do. Now he's prevailing with me to buy a new TV-set to the study though I don't think I need it as far as I have to use a VCR not a DVD and the old one is good for it.
See you later. Bye. Romashki friends
28 Мар 2008 7:27

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66 лет

SplattieМои рецепты
Elita писал(а):
could you please give some background of St Patricks day? Why do irishmens selebrate it? how do you selebrate it? Romashki It's very interesting! good

Elita, StPatrick's Day is the most Irish event, celebrated all over the world. That's because there is about 72 mln people in the world, who claim to be Irish, and only about 5 mln of them live in Ireland.
Initially it was a religious event. Later, Irish immigrants in America began to celebrate it in order to prove their irishness and connection with their historical background.
The very first StPatrick's Day parade took place in Boston in 1737, in New York - in 1756. Ireland was opressed by Great Britain those days.
It is remarkable, that the biggest StPatrick's Day parade is usually held in New York.
Every year, on the 17th of March, NYPD bruss orchestra comes to Dublin to take part in the parade.
StPatrick was a real person, who came to Ireland and christend Irish


Sorry for not having answered on time! Sad
Now, I'll explain about my pictures displayed before.
30 Мар 2008 10:32

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56 лет

momsbuzzМои рецепты
Hi, GIRLS, Nice to meet you all.
It is end of the March and still cold in Idaho.

How about weather in your area? search
30 Мар 2008 11:42

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NatalySМои рецепты
momsbuzz писал(а):
It is end of the March and still cold in Idaho

What do you mean ? What's the temperature in your area? Embarassed It's 11 above zero in Central Russia, and we are happy how warm it is. Much warmer than it usually is in the end of March. Clapping Lyudmila, you're supposed to have got my message and as a result you're here. Romashki Am I right? Happy to see you in our ESR. Don't you mind telling about you as other girls do? friends give_heart See you later and soon.
04 Апр 2008 2:31

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47 лет
Dundee, Scotland

ElitaМои рецепты
Thank you, for story about St. Patrics day, Romashki it is very interesting good good good All people in Scotland are very proud to be scotish too, they wear national clothes, at first it was very strange to see men in kilt on the street Very Happy
